FROM DR ROBERTS For those who were able to attend, I’m sure you will agree, both our Graduation and Christmas Concerts were amazing!! As we
All year 4, 5 & 6 students have the opportunity to bring an Apple laptop to class every day. Either a 11″ or 13″ MacBook Pro or Air is suitable. Additionally, some year 4 students will also be trialling a Windows Lenovo Laptop in 2022
The specifications for a laptop purchase is quite specific, so please do not purchase a device, new or second hand, until you are fully aware of the school’s current requirements. You can purchase the device through JB HiFi or any other retailer ensuring the device has the necessary requirements and insurance.
Second hand laptops can be purchased however you need to ensure that the models and specifications meet the information provided by the school. For mac devices they must have the macOS Mojave operating system or later. You also need to purchase with the intention of the device lasting for the three-year school programme, thus if a device is 7 years old it will be 10 years old in year 6. We will not allow alternate devices in the classroom but students will be welcome to use the classroom desktop computers.
All required documentation must be complete and insurance proven prior to the laptop being brought to class.
HPPS BYOD Programme – Reviewed Document 2021
Select one of the below Laptop Options from the JB HIFI Portal for purchase.
Click on the below links to purchase a device via JB HIFI:
School Code (Parent Access)
Optional Extra purchases:
Protective sleeve
External hard drive for back up
Set of ear / headphones. (most will fit the standard audio jack, so maybe try an existing pair you may have lying around)
Backing up my laptop … Back Up! Back Up! Back Up!
Backing up your child’s data on the laptop is extremely important and essential as part of our ICT program. It is recommended that back ups are carried out frequently (at least once a week) to back up copies of important files (photos, music, projects, etc).
Unfortunately, we cannot recover data in the event of a hard drive failure or other circumstances. It is a good life habit to always keep two copies / back up of your computers data.
A detailed explanation of Time Machine and how to back up can be found at this link: Apple:Time Machine
Caring for all members of our school community – students, parents and staff.
More hands on deck!
You will not find rooms with rows of desks at Hawker Park!
A new and exciting dimension for our school.
All classes from Year 1- 6 have a weekly lesson with our Indonesian specialist teacher.
We have a lovely school library at Hawker Park managed by Mrs Keevil.
The Library will be open from 12.40pm to 1.00pm each day Tuesday to Thursday for book exchange and silent reading time only. There will be no games during these sessions. Students will be supervised by Mrs Keevil.
Providing students with the skills to self-regulate, look for the positives in life and be resilient.
All classes from Year 1- 6 have weekly music lessons with our music specialist teacher.
All students from Year 1-6 take part in a School Choir. We have Junior, Middle and Upper Primary School choirs. The students practice their songs during their class music time once per week which they are going to perform at School Assemblies.
HPPS participates in the Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) program and students in year 5 and year 6 have an opportunity to learn woodwind and percussion instruments. Students are identified for the program based on their IMSS musical aptitude test results (tested in year 4), enthusiasm and attitude towards music as demonstrated in music classes. Lessons are conducted during school hours by specialist instrument teachers from IMSS.
Please see here : http://det.wa.edu.au/imss/detcms/portal/
All students from K-6 learn philosophy so they learn to think, respect others’ opinions, listen, take turns, give reasons, disagree respectfully, ask questions and more.
Our Physical Education specialist encourages participation in many sporting activities.
Learning through play and activities.
Protective Behaviours is an internationally acclaimed personal safety and child abuse prevention program endorsed by the Department of Education in Western Australia.
The program involves a series of age-appropriate lessons where students discuss their right to feel safe and actions they can take to avoid possible unsafe situations. Teaching preventative strategies is a proactive way to strengthen children’s ability to keep themselves safe and minimise risk.
Each year level’s learning tasks differ slightly but are based around the same two central themes;
A focus on strengths based learning with our motto “How are you SMART?”
Our parent run Playgroup will be held weekly on a Monday, during school term, from 8.35am to 10.30am in our Hawker Hub. All parents/carers with babies and pre-kindy aged children are welcome to join.
FROM DR ROBERTS For those who were able to attend, I’m sure you will agree, both our Graduation and Christmas Concerts were amazing!! As we
FROM DR ROBERTS It was lovely meeting our new 2025 Kindergarten parents and students today at the Kindergarten Orientation Session. Currently I am reading Semester
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