Hawker Park Primary School P&C Association

Meetings are held twice per term in the Hawker Hub at 7.00pm, Wednesday Week 3 and Tuesday of Week 8.

We Invite all parents and citizens of the school to attend.

Kaya and Welcome to the Hawker Park Primary School P&C Association.

We are parents and community members volunteering and working together to improve the facilities and opportunities for our children at our small Independent Primary School.

We raise funds via many different events throughout the year such as cake stalls, Colour Fun Run, Parents fun night, kids disco, Father’s and Mother’s Day stalls just to name a few. These fundraising events also have the added benefit of bring the school community together.

Each year the money raised from P&C events fund a wide range of projects. Some previous purchases have included:

  • Smart TVs and classroom Smart boards for all classrooms
  • Kindy/ pre-primary playground shelter
  • Kindy/ pre-primary benches
  • Library books
  • School swimming buses for the whole school
  • Carpet, lighting, PA/Sound System in the undercover area.
  • Shelter on the pathway to the library.

The P&C also runs the following services:

Hungry Hawker Canteen

BFG (Big Friendly Garden)

Scholastic Book Club

Entertainment Book App

Containers for Change collection bin.


Volunteers needed

You don’t have to join the P&C to help. Please see the Volunteering flyer attached to find out other ways you can contribute.

If you can you spare 2 hours once a term, be a 2 hour Vower!

Please fill out the form and let us know how you can help us – to help the school – to help our children.

 Volunteer flyer


Contact details

Email: hawkerparkpandc@outlook.com
Facebook: HPPS Schoolfriends (P&C)

Your 2024 P&C Executive Committee 

President: Rebbeca Valenti

Vice President: Karina Pledge

Secretary: Renee Evans

Treasurer: Jianchun (Stacey) Hu

Executive: Stephanie Penn (Co-treasurer)


WACSSO Constitution

Uniforms can be purchased from Lowes Warwick.

Cnr Beach Road and Erindale Road, 

Warwick WA 6024

Phone: (08) 9447 4800

The school and P&C will not have any involvement in the sale of uniforms.

For all sales of uniforms and enquiries on stock levels, please contact Lowes directly.


Second hand uniform donations are welcome, please hand in to the Front office. All items must be freshly washed.

The Hungry Hawker is run by the P&C Association with parent coordinator – Nikki Fitzpatrick. Volunteers are always encouraged and welcome.

Please click the link to be directed to the Sign Up Zone to volunteer your time.

Hungry Hawker, the school canteen, is available for all students (K-6) every Wednesday and Friday. Orders can be placed over the counter by 9.30am or online (quickcliq) by 8:30am.

Recess is only available for Years 1- 6 and those that are pre-ordered are picked up by the children at the counter. Recess items can also be purchased over the counter at recess (10.45am-11:05am).

All lunch orders must be pre-ordered. These orders are delivered to the classrooms at 12.15pm (ready for lunch at 12.35pm). After the designated time for eating, children may come to the counter to collect pre-ordered afters (e.g. ice-creams) or to purchase. 

Please note that children are limited to purchasing only one afters item per visit unless pre-organised by parents (i.e. for siblings).

For further details please call the canteen on (08) 9422 2010 on canteen days. 

Hawker Headlines


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