FROM MR ETHERIDGE Regards Andrew Etheridge Principal
FROM MR ETHERIDGE Dear parents & carers As you are probably aware there have been some changes to Asymptomatic Close Contacts in the school environment. Please read the attached announcement. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns. Regards Andrew Etheridge Principal Letter to public school parents carers – very high caseload […]
FROM MR ETHERIDGE Close Contact Communication
FROM MR ETHERIDGE Managing COVID Close Contacts
FROM MR ETHERIDGE Yesterday Level 2 public health measures were announced. Please see the attached departmental letter addressing the requirement for children Years 3 and above to wear masks in ALL indoor public settings. This is not just a school requirement. It is an expectation that all children from year 3 and above will arrive […]
FROM MR ETHERIDGE School-based close contact Poster
FROM MR ETHERIDGE Thank you for your understanding regarding parent meetings and your cooperation with the new drop off regulations of parents not entering classrooms. Below is the Department letter outlining these changes. Update 8 Feb As we move forward, the staff are working hard to put in place measures that will hopefully minimize future school disruptions. […]
FROM MR ETHERIDGE Following on from the Premier’s announcement today I participated in a WebEx conference with the Director General of Education, where numerous updates were made to school operations from tomorrow. I will detail more of these tomorrow when I am forwarded written information from the department in another Skoolbag. However I wanted to […]
FROM MR ETHERIDGE In regards to the attached letter issued by the Education Department, to be distributed to parents today. The school will be making some changes to the way we operate to minimize whole school interactions over the coming weeks. Teacher/Parent information sessions will still be going ahead as planned on Tuesday 8 February. The welcome […]
FROM DR ROBERTS I look forward to welcoming our students and all the excitement of day 1 when our school opens on Monday 31 January. For the safety of our students and staff we are following the latest heath advice and I attach a factsheet on our Safe return to school plan. This shows how […]