Last Thursday was our last Early Learners session and this morning we had our Kindergarten orientation as an additional welcoming session for our new students and their parents for 2023.
I have been reading student semester reports this week and enjoy reading about student achievements and progress. Reports will be going home via email on Friday 9 December week nine to give parents an opportunity to speak to classroom teachers during week 10 about anything unclear in your child’s report.
We look forward to our Helpers’ Morning Tea tomorrow to personally thank all those wonderful parents/grandparents who have helped the school in various ways. For those unable to attend, I take this opportunity of thanking them through our Hawker Headlines.
The end of year is fast approaching but students and staff are fully involved in educational activities, including practising for our Graduation and end of year Christmas Concert which we are all looking forward to. We hope to see you at one or both of these special events. Our Graduation is on Friday 9 December beginning at 8:30am and our Christmas Concert is on Monday 12 December beginning at 6:00pm. Both events will take place in the school’s Assembly Area.
The Hawker Park Primary School Board meets once a term and contributes to the overall governance of our school.
The board acts as an advisory body to enable the Principal to make informed decisions regarding the execution of the school’s operational plan but does not intervene with the control or management of the School. Some of the matters the board does make decisions on are fees and charges and the School’s dress code.
We are fortunate at Hawker Park to have a highly effective and well-functioning board made up of the principal, parents, staff and other members of our wider community as follows:
- Parent Representatives: Nicole Arnold (Chair), Loveinder Madahar, Keely Mundle, David Peacock, Salvatore Siciliano, Andrew Hadfield (leaving end 2022) and Chris Jones (beginning 2023)
- Staff Representatives: Andrew Etheridge, Liz Everall and Tess Jones
- Community Members: Claire Hall and Jessica Stojkovski
- Principal: Irma Roberts
Members of the school community can attend board meetings should they wish, and we are required by law to hold one public meeting each year. More details of this meeting will be advised in early 2023.
Should you wish to find out more about the board, please feel free to approach any of the members.
The board wishes to acknowledge the tremendous effort of Dr Roberts, Mr Etheridge and all of the teaching and support staff in 2022. It’s been a very challenging year with COVID finally coming to WA yet the staff continued to provide an excellent learning environment and a much-needed sense of normalcy for our children.
Finally, we wish to thank Andrew Hadfield as he steps down from the board after 4 years of service (and 14 years’ involvement with Hawker Park PS).
Nicole Arnold
School Board Chair
- if you need Nasal RATs please see Admin as we still have a supply
- the P&C have their own Facebook page HPPS Schoolfriends (P&C)
- the P&C Meeting Minutes are available on the schools website P&C Meeting Minutes – Hawker Primary School
Week 8
• 1 Dec – Special Helpers Morning Tea, 10:30am – 11:00am
Week 9
• 9 Dec – Year 6 Graduation Ceremony
• 9 Dec – End of Year Activity Excursion (Year 6)
• 9 Dec – Reports go home
Week 10
• 12 Dec – Christmas Concert 6pm (Whole School)
• 13 Dec – Class Parties (more information to come)
• 14 Dec – Hawker Headlines
• 15 Dec – Students Last Day of School “Have a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy Holidays”
• 16 Dec – Staff Professional Development
The Rainbow Run was fabulous; you couldn’t have asked for a better day!! This is definitely a highlight for the students. The excitement leading up to is felt in the air and the photos capture it to a tee.
That’s a wrap for the P&C for 2022!
It was amazing to see so many new faces at last night’s meeting mingling and having fun. There was a lot of enthusiasm in the room and it bodes really well for next year! It was also great to have so many people there to thank the P&C members who have worked so hard over the years and will be moving on to new schools and opportunities.
A couple of key notes with more details below:
- Final day to return Rainbow Run payments is Friday 2 of December, so please get those in as soon as possible
- GREAT NEWS!!! We will be able to keep the canteen open for Term 1 next year
- The nominations for Office Bearers have been finalised
- The 2023 AGM was set for Wednesday the 15 of February at 7.30pm in the Hawker Hub
There was a lot of discussion regarding the canteen services and there is still a desire to run it. Due to a number of new volunteers coming forward, we are able to proceed with a limited menu in Term 1 2023. We will still need to allocate family reps (i.e. oldest child from each family) from specific classes to assist which works out to be ‘Just One Session’ per family across the year to help Nic out. We will distribute this information via the class reps once it is finalised.
We still hope to form a sub-committee next year to help spread the load and look for other potential process improvements so if anyone has an interested in joining that, please reach out.
Nominations have now been closed for the Office Bearer roles next year. These positions will still need to be voted on and ratified by P&C members at the 2023 AGM (anyone can become a member by paying $1 to join at the AGM):
- President Nomination – Cass O’Sullivan
- Vice-President Nominations – Dan Vujcich and Hailey Hampton
- Secretary Nomination – Renee Evans
- Treasurer Nomination – Deb Ryan
We rounded out the evening with a few drinks and chatting about the different things that new members might be interested in doing. We have attached a handout showing the many activities the P&C are involved in and areas where people may be able to contribute. Feel free to have a read and reach out with any questions.
On behalf of the P&C, we wish you all a great last couple of weeks of term and hope you have a fabulous time with your families over the holidays.
On Monday, during Physical Education, we had Sarah, from Warwick SHS Specialist Netball Program, visit us and demonstrate some netball skills.
If you have a netball fanatic in your household see the links below for netball club, contact lists for Wanneroo Districts Netball Association and school holiday netball clinic details.
- Netball Camps – International Sports Camps
- Winning Edge Academy
- Junior Indoor Netball – Seamer Sports Centre
- 2023 Netball School Holiday Clinic – Curtin Hamersley Comets
- WDNA Club Contact Lists
Zig Zags OSHC will be open, 6.30am-6pm at Greenwood Primary School for the Dec/Jan School Holidays from Monday 19 December.
Zig Zags OSHC programs are engaging and inspired by our children and staff and include a combination of excursions and activities at our location.
All school aged children (including Kindergarten) are welcome to attend from any school.
In addition to the planned incursions, excursions and activities the children have the choice of arts & crafts, cooking, painting, drawing, colouring, word searches, puzzles, board games, chess, dress up, role play drama, dance, loose parts play and much, much more.
Please see the full Vacation Care Program on the school’s community noticeboard.
Zig Zags Vacation Care Program
For bookings please call 0421 369 516 or visit
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- City of Joondalup – Summer Reading Quest
- City of Wanneroo – School Holiday Program
- Zig Zags – Vacation Care Program
- Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
- School Holiday Athletics Clinic
- Endeavour Theatre Company Presents “All at Sea”
- Weight Watchers
- YouthCARE Together 2022 – Family Christmas Festivals
- HPPS Playgroup