

Welcome to term 3 and to all our wonderful sporting and other events, such as science, that will take place this term. We continue to have fortnightly meetings with the builders and our Hawker Hub is now starting to take shape – how exciting!!

Hawker Hub

Hawker Hub

We are delighted to share with you the Independent Review Report that indicates and affirms the exceptional school we have. I thank everyone for the part they contribute to making our school what it is. Brilliant! Please read the report when you have a moment.

Independent Review Report

A huge acknowledgement to those parents who completed the last survey regarding ideas about mental health should funding continue for the next four years. Some parents wrote their names, which was optional, and I am grateful for this because their ideas were fabulous. For example, Teeny Tiny Stevies, domestic violence, anxiety, depression, mindfulness, pets, respecting boundaries, Mind Ninja, divorce, making friends, dealing with conflict, and more. Once our Hawker Hub is ready, I will be asking some of our identified parents if they would be willing to give informal presentations. I am certain our parents and perhaps, others in our community, would benefit from the expertise we have amongst our very capable parent body. Thank you.


“What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?” asks seven-year-old Molly Wright, one of the youngest-ever TED speakers. Breaking down the research-backed ways parents and caregivers can support children’s healthy brain development, Wright highlights the benefits of play on lifelong learning, behavior and well-being, sharing effective strategies to help all kids thrive by the age of five.

She’s joined onstage by one-year-old Ari and his dad, Amarjot, who help illustrate her big ideas about brain science. (This TED Talk was produced in collaboration with Minderoo Foundation as an educational tool for parents and caregivers around the world and is supported by UNICEF.)

Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED Talk


Applications for Kindy 2022 closed on Friday 23 July. All successful applicants have been contacted. From here we ask that they collect an Enrolment Form and Uniform Order Form that are to be returned to the Office by Friday 6 August 2021.  We continue to have a wait list and should we have more enrolments, we would consider two kindergarten groups for 2022.

During Term 3 we will email out our “Welcome Playgroup” information. Welcome Playgroup runs in Term 4 over 8-weeks and provides kindy children, already accepted into our 2022 Kindy program, an exclusive opportunity to transition, become familiar with the environment and build relationships with both the teacher and other peers.

We will also hold an Orientation session in Term 4 where we provide parents with a Welcome Pack full of information about our school. Details of this will be included in the Welcome Playgroup Letter.


Term 3 – Week 3

  • 2 Aug – Gifted and Talented: Primary Extension and Challenge (Assessment of Year 4 students for the PEAC program)
  • 5 Aug – Assembly Pre Primary
  • 6 Aug – Science Alive Incursion (PP – Year 6)
  • 6 Aug – Australian Primary Principals Day

Week 4

  • 9 Aug – School Cross Country (PP – Year 6)
  • 11 Aug – Mother Daughter Talk (Year 5)
  • 11 Aug – Puberty Lesson (Year 6)

Week 5

  • 18 Aug – Puberty Lesson (Year 5 / 6)
  • 18 Aug – Relationships Australia PD (6:30pm) – Please register your interest spaces are limited
  • 19 Aug – World of Maths Incursion (PP – Year 6) more information to come
  • 20 Aug – Parent Rep Meeting (8:35am with Andrew Etheridge)
  • 20 Aug – Cockman House Excursion (TA2 & TA3) more information to come
  • 20 Aug – One Big Voice (Choir students) more information to come


School Calendar 2021  (please scroll down as it is near the bottom of the page)


To assist with our current planning for 2022 would you please inform the school as soon as possible if you know that your child will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students. Please reply to


  • at our August 5 Assembly years 1 & 2 will be singing our community song
  • Wednesdays and Fridays are the days that hard copies of notes/correspondence from the school come home. These are the best days to check your child’s bag.
  • school water fountains are still only to be used to fill students water bottles.
  • our new website is designed to be easily accessed via your mobile, tablet or computer. Take the time to have a look around. Any feedback is appreciated.
  • Mrs Stangoni has started a Sewing Club in the Snr Wet Area during 2nd Lunch, every Wednesday. We have started with those interested in year 5/6 and will extend the invite to more year levels as time goes on. This has already proven to be very popular.


We’ve had an amazing first semester in science! We’ve completed lots of hands-on experiments and investigations.

  • Last term the year ones were learning about why we have different seasons and this term will be learning all about sound; how it is produced and how it travels.
  • The Year two students learnt about the water cycle and how to conserve water last term, this coming term we will be focusing on Push and Pull forces.
  • Our clever Year three students can tell you all about why Earth rotates and orbits the sun after learning about Night & Day the last term. This term they will be exploring how Heat is created and transferred.
  • The year four students learnt about erosion and the impact humans have on the earth’s surface in the last term and will be investigating different forces this term

Learning Adventures – Science

Learning Adventures – Science


Winners of our Art and Craft Raffle were announced last day of Term 2, Friday 2 July. Congratulations to the following recipients:

  • Junior: Khang (yr.2), Harper (yr. 1), Luca (K), Jordan (yr. 2) & Emily (yr. 2)
  • Senior: Sienna.E (yr. 4), Noah (yr. 4), April (yr. 6), Olivia (yr. 5) & Harry (yr. 3)

The year 6’s would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who donated items and bought tickets for the raffle. It was a great success.


On Friday we celebrated P&C Day with some of the schools amazing P&C Members. A big Thank You to those that took the time to allow us to celebrate the great work that they do for our school. To those who were unable to make it we still want to say a big THANK YOU to you too. Time is precious and the fact that you are willing to give some to the school shows what a wonderful supportive community and P&C the school has.

P&C Day

P&C Day


Uniform Orders are available on our website. They are now located under:

– Our School

– P&C

– Uniforms


Give back and get more for longer! Get a FREE upgrade when you buy a single city. Plus, an extra month free. That’s 13 months to enjoy your Membership

Click here to Purchase

Entertainment Membership Promo


Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and summer school holidays.

VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations across WA. Not only is VacSwim a great school holiday activity, it also teaches valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.

Your children can start as young as five years old.

Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at

Vac Swim Poster


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for further details on the following community events:

  • Wanneroo / Joondalup Tee ball
  • Behaviour Tonics – Parent Info Sessions
  • School Sport WA – 2021 Youth Carnivals
  • Vac Swim


Get In Touch With Us today