Congratulations to our year 1 students and their teachers in TA2 for the fabulous assembly on Friends. As I’ve said on numerous occasions, I am always delighted to see how confident students are when speaking to an audience. Of course, this does not happen by accident.
One of our SMARTS activities is the Speak Up Awards. The finals were held Thursday 15 June. I am sure I can speak on behalf of all parents who attended when I say how impressed we were with the talks starting from year 1 through to year 6. Even the pre-primary students attended as part of the audience, so they too learn how to speak in public. Three or four students from years five and six combined will be selected to compete in the Freemasons’ Speak Up Awards where many schools enter their best speakers. I thank all those, including an external judge, who were involved in our School’s Speak Up Awards.
SMARTS DAY: You would have received notification on Wednesday 21 June. On Monday 26 June from 6:00pm the online selection became live. Please complete your selection by tomorrow 29 June.
*Note: Your child’s ID is at the top of the SMARTS information page date 21 June 2023.*
Our SMARTS DAY will be in Term 3 on Tuesday 15 August.
Recently our year 5 students attended the Warwick Senior High School’s Buzz Day where students were involved in numerous educational activities. I thank WSHS for their invitation and also providing a free bus service for transport.
Our Winter Sports carnival was held on Thursday 22 June. Congratulations to all our competitors from six schools and staff involved. The students came back with two trophies – netball and soccer and nearly had three! I am so proud of our students for their achievements but most of all, their outstanding behaviour in demonstrating our values of respect, kindness and manners. Well done to all!
We have had a very busy Term 2 and look forward to Term 3 with all the athletics events, our SMARTS Day, a highlight of our school calendar and more.
On behalf of the Administration Team, I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday. Students return on Tuesday 18 July.
SCHOOL PROCESSES – end of semester reporting
Semester Reports were sent home via email on Friday 23 June. If you did not receive your child’s report, please inform front office as the email address recorded may not be what you currently use.
As we held our Parent Interviews only recently where teachers communicated your child’s progress, semester one reports included grades for all learning areas and a general comment.
To gauge your opinions on this year’s streamlining of our reporting processes, endorsed by the School Board last year, we sent out a short survey regarding Parent Interviews on Monday 26 June so we may be guided by your views for 2024.
Kindy 2024 enrolments close on Friday 21 July, which is the end of week 1 next term. If you know of anyone whose child is born between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020, please let them know that enrolments close soon. As Kindergarten is a non-compulsory year at school, we make plans for how classes are structured based on the number of students enrolled as of the closing date. Sometimes there may still be places available for latecomers, however, we do not always have the space to accommodate them. Therefore, lodging enrolments before the closing date is of paramount importance.
DID YOU KNOW THAT – vaping is dangerous!!
E-cigarettes, vaping and school communities; Parent information session
Vaping is a growing concern for parents and school communities. Hawker Park in conjunction with the Department’s Road Safety and Drug Education Branch will be hosting, E-cigarettes, vaping and school communities: Parent information session on:
Tuesday 29 August 2023, 6:00 to 7:00pm.
This presentation explores current information and research on e-cigarettes and vaping, including:
- commonly used vaping devices
- WA laws
- prevalence of vaping among young people
- health and safety concerns
- how schools are addressing vaping and the role of parents
- communicating with children and young people about vaping
- resources and supports for parents
Please let your children/s teachers know if you will be attending. We are unable to hold the event unless there are enough numbers.
- Staff return in Term 3 on Monday 17 July
- Students return in Term 3 on Tuesday 18 July
- Kindy applications for 2024 close on 21 July
- Next P&C meeting is Wednesday 2nd August at 7pm in the Hawker Hub
“The more intensively the family has stamped its character upon the child, the more (the child), will tend to feel and see its earlier miniature world again in the bigger world of adult life.” – Carl Gustav Jung
Hello everyone, as a Chaplain, I have the pleasure of meeting all ages of students and their families. I am really interested in birth order after reading a book for my studies and having to summarise the chapters. Chapter 7 was about the effect of birth order on our personalities and the way we view the world, each position of birth order affects each other in very different ways. Our Birth order even affects us as adults in our relationships with one another.
I believe this is a marvellous book that I wish I had read before I even got Married. If you are keen for a self-help book on relationships or even to discover how and why your children respond as they sometimes do, it’s a great read. Have a fantastic holiday and have some rest and relaxation. The book is below.
Cheers. Alyse the Chaplain.
80’s Quiz Success.
The P&C would like to thank everyone who attended and volunteered at the 80’s Quiz Night on Saturday 17th June. It was a great success. The exact numbers are not in yet, but we have made enough to cover the swimming buses plus a bit more. Fantastic result and so much fun.
Thank you to Jesica Batista, Tarn Deere and Rebbecca Valenti for supporting me and helping to create a successful event. A special mention and thanks to Lauren Klysz for helping to get so many extra raffle / silent auction prizes to gift on the night.
It was freezing inside the gym so that won’t be the case again next year.
Hungry Hawker Canteen.
Thank you to all the canteen volunteers for Term 2. Thank you to the nominated year groups Year 2 and 5 for Term 2. Special thanks to those who had never volunteered until recently.
Term 3. We are asking the Kindy 1 parents and Year 6 parents to support and keep our canteen running smoothly please, your help is highly valued and rewarded with $7 to spend at the canteen. At the end of each Term, we reward volunteers with a bakers Delight bread voucher (1 loaf a day for 1 month), thanks to Bakers Delight Warwick for their continued support.
A special thank you to Emma Reed for all her hard work and dedication in our Hungry Hawker Canteen. We nominated Emma for the WASCA National volunteer Nan Marlo Award 2023.
Not the winner this time but still a winner in our eyes!!
Father’s Day Stall.
The P&C are looking for a wonderful volunteer to continue the Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls in 2024.
This years Father’s day stall brings a fantastic opportunity for learning how to prepare and run the stalls. If you’re interested please contact Cassy O’Sullivan or email the P&C on for more details.
Our next P&C General meeting is,
Term 3
Hawker Hub Wednesday 2nd August at 7pm.
Please come and give your feedback, ideas and hear about what’s happening at the school for Term 3.
Have a safe and fun school holiday break.
Cassy O’Sullivan
Dear parents,
The City to Surf running event is coming up on Sunday the 27th of August. We would love to get anyone who is interested, involved to complete the 4km or 12km run/ walk. Mrs Barrett and Miss Armstrong will be participating on the day and would love to complete it with some HPPS students and parents. Parents must register and accompany their child during the event. Please email if you are interested and are planning on registering. Once we have an idea of who is joining in there will be more information on where HPPS will meet on the day.
Thank you,
Miss Armstrong and Mrs Barrett
Staff and parents can provide feedback to the NDIS Review
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review is seeking feedback on pricing and payment approaches in the NDIS. Findings are available on the NDIS Review website. Consultation is open until 31 July 2023.
Parents can provide feedback using the NDIS Review online form.
Term 3 – Student Planner
Week 1
17 Jul – Staff Professional Learning – Students do not attend this day
18 Jul – Students return
19 Jul – Yr6 Sausage & juice lunch order
Week 2
24 Jul – Maths—Brightpath Testing
26 Jul – P&C Meeting
26 Jul – Hawker Headlines
28 Jul – Interschool Cross Country at HPPS
We are looking for a relief cleaner to do the odd afternoon or morning when required.
Anyone interested will need to have a valid Working with Childrens card and Education department screening.
We would be very happy to help you obtain these if you require assistance.
Thank you
OPEN: Monday 3rd July – Thursday 6th July (8am- 4pm)
CLOSED: Friday 7th July – Thursday 13th July (Inclusive)
RE-OPENS 14TH July (8am-4pm)
Kind Regards
Janet & Cath
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- HPPS Playgroup – Every Monday (during school term) 8.30-10.30am
- Hello High School – Scotch College’s Memorial Hall, Swanbourne – 1 November 2023, 6-7.30pm
- Kingsway Indoor Stadium & Wanneroo Aquamotion – School Holiday Programs, Various Sports & Activities all through the holidays!
- Youthcare Art competition – Year 1-6 – Submit your entry by 31 October 2023
- North Beach Baptist Church’s Kings Club 2023 – Monday 3 to Friday 7 July, 9am to 12:30pm
- MLC Foundation Community Scholarship – Methodist Ladies’ College – CLOSES Thursday 29 June
- Morawa DHS – 100 Year celebration – Open house – Friday 4 August
- Sorrento FC – School Holiday Program (8–12-year-olds)
- Stirling Leisure centre – School Holiday Program
- WA Police Youth Development Pipe Band
- Cultivating Curiosity (gifted, twice-exceptional (2E)) – Winter School Holiday Workshop
- Northern Lights Music WA – Season Two 2023, starting term 3
- Better Health program – A FREE healthy lifestyle program for Western Australian children 6-12 years who are above a healthy weight – July 14th – 22nd September
- Perth Modern School – The Last Daughter with Brenda Matthews Saturday 5 August