

Welcome to term three and a very special and warm welcome to our new families. We also welcome our new Chaplain, Alyse Anderson and Psychologist, Sylvia Vong. Alyse will be working Thursdays and Fridays and Sylvia will be at school on Thursdays.

I am delighted to be back full time and hope to be at the school for many years to come. Staff stability leads to security for both students and parents. By stability, I mean progress and new programmes as evidenced by our outstanding External Review Report last year. I will talk about our Shared Leadership Model and programmes next Hawker Headlines.

I was hoping that for term three we would have fewer staff members absent due to COVID-19 and other illnesses.  Unfortunately, that is not the case. You would have received a combined letter from all three education sectors last week encouraging everyone to wear masks. To reiterate the messages in that communication, I have copied the following – You can support your school community to be COVID-19 safe by:

  • wearing a mask indoors when visiting the school
  • ensuring your family stays up-to-date with COVID-19 and flu vaccines
  • testing your child for COVID-19 if they have symptoms or are a household close contact
  • keeping your child home if they are unwell
  • maintaining good hand hygiene

I am certain, that if we work together, we will triumph!

Thank you to all families who completed the online National School Opinion survey and congratulations to the raffle winners. Results were sent out via SkoolBag last week. Once I have had a chance to analyse the data, I will share it with you. There are some really respectful and constructive comments made by parents, and I thank you for these. I will give copies of the survey to the School Board so we can work through comments and develop a plan to implement what is feasible to improve the school.

Again, thank you to our respectful and kind parents who pass these values on to their children – hence our beautiful school community.

Yesterday, we held our first Playgroup in our beautiful Hawker Hub. What a wonderful success!! Fabulous to see parents and little children getting to know each other. An enormous thank you to Mr Etheridge for organising our Playgroup and an even bigger thank you to Sue Costa for ‘volunteering’ to be present with knowledge of how Playgroups operate. This school is privileged to have parents like Sue who are extra generous with their time. We hope to see even more parents and little children next Tuesday between 8:30-10:30 at our weekly Playgroups.

We look forward to another exciting term.


Applications for Kindy 2023 closed on Friday 22 July. All successful applicants have been contacted. From here we ask that they collect an Enrolment Form and Uniform Order Form that are to be returned to the Office by Friday 5 August 2022.

Even though applications have officially closed, we still have places available in our Kindergarten program for 2023. If you have or know of someone’s child that is due to start Kindy in 2023, please get your application in before places fill up

During Term 3 we will email out our “Welcome Playgroup” information. Welcome Playgroup runs in Term 4 over 8-weeks and provides kindy children, already accepted into our 2023 Kindy program, an exclusive opportunity to transition, become familiar with the environment and build relationships with both the teacher and other peers.

We will also hold an Orientation session in Term 4 where we provide parents with a “Welcome Pack” full of information about our school. Details of this will be included in the Welcome Playgroup Letter.


To assist with our current planning for 2023 would you please inform Admin as soon as possible if you know that your child will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students. Please reply to


Thank you to those families who have liked our schools Facebook page and completed the permission for their child/ren.

For those that have yet to do so please click on the link below. We would appreciate if this is completed regardless of a yes or no permission by Friday 5 August.

The schools Facebook page can be found at and we are seeking permission for students to be featured in photographs and videos.

Facebook Permission Link

The page will be used to highlight events that have happened at Hawker Park Primary School. At this point it will not be a place to provide regular upcoming information and parents should continue to refer to SkoolBag/Class dojo and our newsletter for reliable information.

We will not be publishing student names on this page.


  • values are passed onto students through role modelling
  • Mrs Stangoni is running Sewing Club in the Snr Wet Area during 2nd Lunch, every Wednesday. This ran last year with great success and was recommended by the students for it to be run again
  • children on school premise before 8:15am are not supervised
  • if your child is away for any reason we ask that you please notify the school via SkoolBag or contact the front admin on 9422 2000
  • there is no Community Song being sung at the Assembly on the 4 Aug


Term 3 – Week 2
• 29 Jul – Interschool Cross Country at Hawker Park Primary School (am)

Week 3
• 4 Aug – Assembly Pre Primary (EC1 & EC2)
• 5 Aug – Australian Primary Principal Day

Week 4
• 10 Aug – Hawker Headlines
• 11 Aug – Sausage Sizzle

Week 5
• 17 Aug – Excursion “WA Art Gallery” – TA3 & TA4
• 19 Aug – School Cross Country (1:10pm)


Dear Families

My name is Alyse Anderson and I have the privilege to be covering Chevonne’ s parental leave for the rest of 2023.

A little bit about me. I am married to Ian, we have 4 adult children and two grandchildren. I love to see children learn new things and grow, to achieve their dreams and build their self-awareness and resilience. I love being involved with their learning journey and being one of their champions.

As a Chaplain at Hawker Park Primary School, I will work closely with the School Psychologist, Principal and staff members for the betterment of all of the students’ learning and social journey. Part of my role is help with “The Zones of Regulation” programme that is run in the school and I am a support to any student that may be feeling upset, down or even excited about something.

My role also includes helping and supporting students with friendships, emotions and any struggles they may have.

It is an honour to work with the staff and for the wellbeing of your children.

My role is NOT a religious one. Thank you to all of the parents who have confirmed through the school that their child/ children has permission to talk with me. If at any stage you would like to change this, please contact Admin to do so.

I so look forward to meeting all of you over time.

Alyse Anderson
YouthCARE Chaplain


Hawker Park Playgroup is running every Tuesday between 8:35am – 10:30am in the Hawker Hub. Come and join in the fun. All children from 0-5 are welcome.

Playgroup Flyer


The year 6 students are holding a Sausage Sizzle fundraiser to help reduce the cost of camp and graduation activities.

Notes were sent home yesterday to all students. If you did not receive this, we have spare notes in Admin or click on the link below.

Sausage Sizzle Note / Order Form

Please make sure these are returned to Admin by Friday 5 August.


Hi all,

Welcome back to Term 3!

The P&C has their meeting on Wednesday 3 August at 7pm at the Hawker Hub so please feel free to drop in if you want to check out how we run or if you want to join. I popped into the Hawker Hub yesterday to meet with any parents that couldn’t make normal P&C times and have to say, it was great to see the Hawker Hub being used by so many different services – and the kid’s playgroup was very well attended!

We will be finalising the dates for activities such as the Colour Run, the Parents Event and volunteers and organisers for the athletics day cake stall and the school’s 40th birthday festivities.

The feedback form the Year 4 computer program has been collated and there will be a session in term 3 (date TBC) for the families to come and ask questions. So please keep an eye out for these dates in the upcoming communications and put them into your calendar!

We will also be reviewing the canteen services provided by the P&C. With the significant drop-off in volunteers this year, coupled with increasing food prices the current structure is not sustainable. Our canteen manager is kindly working significant extra hours in her own time to make it work, which isn’t feasible going forward so we will be reviewing potential options and will come back to you with some of the recommendations.

Thanks and have a great Term 3!



Don’t forget these are available to purchase all year round and the proceeds go to the school P&C.

July Bonus Offer

Click on the link to order Entertainment Membership


Welcome back to Term 3.

During this Term due to staff shortages the Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre (9203 5611) will be closed alternate Wednesdays, starting from 27 July.

In case of EMERGENCY only, the following clinic can be contacted

  • Halidon Dental Therapy Centre – 9409 6362


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:

  • Wanneroo Giants Baseball Club
  • Wanneroo / Joondalup Tee Ball Club
  • Northern Lights Music WA
  • Daughters and Dads Cricket
  • Mercedes College Open Day
  • Methodist Ladies College – MLC Foundation Community Scholarship
  • Kids Volley – Volleyball Clinic
  • Charlesworth Ballet


Get In Touch With Us today