

Welcome to Term 3.  I hope you are ready for an educational and fun filled term.

On our last day of term 2 we had some really crazy but creative socks come to school.  The students had fun thanks to our industrious P&C members who organised the day.  Thank you everyone involved and to our hardworking P&C members who, amongst other tasks, raise funds to support all our students.

Thank you to parents who completed the last survey about Parent Interviews and Reporting.  Our aim is to provide opportunities for consultation and feed-back from parents when introducing new school initiatives.  We had 41 responses from across all year levels.  Of the responses, 35 had attended interviews and 6 did not.  The 4 statements are shown below.

As you can see from the graph above, both statements 1 and 2 scored the same with 44% each.  Statement 1 refers to face to face interviews only and statement 2 refers to a combination of phone and face to face interviews while students stay in class all day.  The result from the teacher survey was similar to that of  parents in that statements 1 and 2 were almost the same only statement 2 was just a little ahead.

Based on results from both parents and teachers, in 2024, we will have students stay at school and provide opportunities for parents to attend either face-to-face or phone interviews.

Twelve parents made comments.  Of the twelve, 3 comments related to many parents not being aware of the interviews taking place, 2 comments were about the time slot being too short, 2 comments related to times not being adhered to.  Other individual comments were of a general nature.

From these comments, in 2024, we will send out more reminders next year and try to ensure allocated times are not exceeded.


In 2023, for the first time, NAPLAN was administered towards the end of Term 1 in March.  Results were also reported using proficiency standards.  These changes meet an initiative of the 2019 National School Reform Agreement.  The proficiency standards represent a challenging but reasonable expectation of student achievement at the time of testing to deliver better information for teachers, parents and carers. From 2023, achievement in NAPLAN is reported against proficiency levels instead of the previous numerical NAPLAN bands.  Students’ results will show how they performed in each of the NAPLAN assessment areas against 4 new proficiency levels:

Exceeding:  The student’s results exceeds expectations at the time of testing.

Strong: The student’s results meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.

Developing: The student’s results indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.

Needs Additional Support: The student’s results indicates they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing.  They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.

Results from 2023 on cannot be directly compared to results from 2008-2022.  At a school level, the percentage of students making average progress can still be compared to students of a similar background.

NAPLAN can help schools by:

  • allowing teachers to better identify students who need greater challenges or extra support;
  • allowing schools to identify strengths and areas of need;
  • allowing schools to set goals in literacy and numeracy and
  • allowing school systems to support schools.

At a government level, NAPLAN allows for evaluating whether students are meeting important literacy and numeracy standards.


Applications for Kindy 2024 closed on Friday 21 July. All successful applicants have been contacted. From here we ask that they collect an Enrolment Form and Uniform Order Form that are to be returned to the Office by Friday 4 August 2023.

During Term 3 we will email out our “Welcome Playgroup” information. Welcome Playgroup runs in Term 4 over 8-weeks and provides kindy children, already accepted into our 2024 Kindy program, an exclusive opportunity to transition, become familiar with the environment and build relationships with both the teacher and other peers.

We will also hold an Orientation session in Term 4 where we provide parents with a “Welcome Pack” full of information about our school. Details of this will be included in the Welcome Playgroup Letter.


To assist with our School and class planning for 2024, please inform Admin ASAP if you know that your child/ren will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students.

Thank you


Our Science/Technology room upgrade is now complete and most of our new resources have now arrived, including 3D printers and drones.

Some year 5/6 students have already started to learn how to programme the drones.


We thank all our parents who generously volunteer their time and energy to support our school community. There are some changes to the Working with Children Check policy, to ensure the safety of children when we have volunteers in the school.

If you would like to volunteer at our school, you will need to sign a ‘Parent and child volunteer declaration form’. You cannot volunteer if you have a current Working with Children Negative Notice or Interim Negative Notice.

These changes affect parents who are engaged in volunteer work. For example, you are considered a volunteer when you assist with activities such as reading sessions, day excursions, canteen duties, helping at a sports carnival or carrying out P&C duties.

You are not a volunteer when:

  • picking up and dropping off your child
  • observing events like school assemblies
  • attending parent and teacher interviews
  • visiting the uniform shop.

If your circumstances change, and you are issued with a Negative Notice or Interim Negative Notice after completing the ‘Parent and child volunteer declaration form’, you must advise the principal.

A current Working with Children Check is required by all other family members and friends over 18 years of age who want to volunteer.

It is a collective responsibility to ensure the safety of our children. We appreciate your ongoing support and dedication to our school community.


  • The Minister for Education has issued a statement against violence
  • The Department of Education has 10 Actions against violence
  • Action 6 talks about ‘Good Standing’ and when it is lost
  • EC2 assembly next week, there will be no choir singing




During the holidays the school acquired, through a federal grant, a new bike shelter to help keep bikes dry on rainy days. Soon new racks will also be added.

Children are also reminded to always lock their bikes when leaving them in the racks.



Resilience is something we are all born with in different degrees and we all can learn to be resilient.

Resilience is our personal ability to bounce back after setback and respond well to the challenges and stresses of everyday life.

This video link is a great overview of what resilience is and isn’t and how to build more. This short Utube clip is called “Brains” and is really cool. One highlight from the “Brain video (link below), for me was our need for each other in healing.

There are 4 types of resilience according to the article from Very Well Mind.  (see link below).

Physical, emotional, Mental and social are the four mentioned.   Some of resilience comes from our genetics but also from positive self talk, good communication and emotional regulation, among other things.

The article, linked below, covers what resilience is and how to build more.  It s a great read and I hope you enjoy learning how to improve the resilience in yourself and your families.


Your Chaplain


Welcome to Term 3.  This Term brings lots of exciting events such as Smarts Day, Book week, Father’s Day Stall and the sports faction carnival with our P&C cake stall.

Donations for Father’s Day stall and cake stall are welcome.

We are looking for a Stall coordinator for Father’s and Mother’s Day. Please see the flyer below for more details. Contact Cassy O’Sullivan to learn more.

Our next P&C General meeting is

Hawker Hub Wednesday 2nd August at 7pm. 

Please come and give your feedback, ideas and hear about what’s happening at the school for Term 3.


The P&C now have new bank details:

Main Account: BSB 066 192 Account 1066 6555 – this will be the usual account for fundraising events

Uniform Account: BSB 066 192 Account 1066 6571 – this account is for anything uniform related


Our Canteen is in desperate need of more regular volunteers please. This is a P&C run service, and we want to keep this service available in the future so please support Nic Fitzpatrick by putting your name down even for 1 or 2 hours on sign up zone link attached.

Sign up zone

Sports carnival 💚💙❤️

Do you need another Faction shirt or hat?

Please order from Tash our wonderful Uniform Shop coordinator now. Order form below.

Important. Please note our P&C bank details have changed.

Uniform order form

Thank you kindly,

Cassy O’Sullivan

P&C president

DID YOU KNOW THAT – vaping is dangerous!!

E-cigarettes, vaping and school communities; Parent information session

Vaping is a growing concern for parents and school communities.  Hawker Park in conjunction with the Department’s Road Safety and Drug Education Branch will be hosting, E-cigarettes, vaping and school communities: Parent information session on:

Tuesday 29 August 2023, 6:00 to 7:00pm.

This presentation explores current information and research on e-cigarettes and vaping, including:

  • commonly used vaping devices
  • WA laws
  • prevalence of vaping among young people
  • health and safety concerns
  • how schools are addressing vaping and the role of parents
  • communicating with children and young people about vaping
  • resources and supports for parents

Please let your children/s teachers know if you will be attending. We are unable to hold the event unless there are enough numbers.


Dear parents,

 The City to Surf running event is coming up on Sunday the 27th of August. We would love to get anyone who is interested, involved to complete the 4km or 12km run/ walk. Mrs Barrett and Miss Armstrong will be participating on the day and would love to complete it with some HPPS students and parents. Parents must register and accompany their child during the event. Please email if you are interested and are planning on registering. Once we have an idea of who is joining in there will be more information on where HPPS will meet on the day.

Thank you,

 Miss Armstrong and Mrs Barrett


Term 3

Week 3

3 Aug – Assembly EC2

3 Aug – State Cross Country

Week 4

9 Aug – Hawker Headlines

11 Aug – Boola Bardip excursion – Yr6

Week 5

14 Aug – Science week

15 Aug – SMARTS day

16 Aug – SMARTS day assembly

16 Aug – Speak up metro heat 9.30am

18 Aug – One Big Voice (after school)


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:


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