

Thank you to the P&C for organising and running the Neon Disco on Friday 11 Jun.  From all feedback received, the Disco was a wonderful success. On behalf of us all, thank you P&C members.

Another fabulous SMARTS Day was enjoyed by all who participated. The weather was perfect as was the day for students and adults, the latter also enjoyed a scrumptious lunch.  An enormous thank you to everyone and especially to Mrs Everall, Miss Randell and their team for their thorough organisation.

End of semester reports for P-6 will be emailed home on Friday 25 June so please ensure we have your correct email address. We send reports home one week before the end of term so if you have any questions for teachers, you will have the opportunity to speak to them before the holidays. Kindergarten reports will be hard copies and will also be sent home next week.


Many of you may be aware that Hawker Park Primary School (HPPS) is in Warwick Senior High School’s (WSHS) local in-take area. This means that students who are in WSHS’s in-take area generally gain automatic admission into the school.
At the end of term 1 both the Principal of WSHS and the Principal of HPPS organised a get together for early this term. At the meeting many topics were discussed but of relevance to the HPPS community may be the following:

  • HPPS is happy to add a flyer provided from any secondary school, including WSHS, to our Kindergarten information packs.
  • As with any secondary school principal, the WSHS Principal is always welcome to speak to parents, at any forum to be arranged, but to let the school know when this could happen so that the information/promotional talk may be either a specific meeting, or an agenda item to an existing forum. Such presentations will be advertised to enable interested parents to attend.
  • Promotional talks given by secondary school representatives from any institution may speak to parents with their children after school hours
  • HPPS will continue to add requested WSHS notices to our Community Notice Board and note these in our Hawker Headlines under Community Notices. This is our process for all external community notices.

As parents make decisions for the future schooling of their children beyond primary school, we encourage them to contact the desired secondary school directly. If we can be of any assistance, please contact our front office and speak to one of the Admin team.


Apply to enrol your child/ren at Hawker Park Primary School (K-6) for the 2022 school year by downloading a copy of the Application Form from our website or alternatively come to the front office of Hawker Park Primary School to collect.

Please make sure that you have applied to enrol your child as soon as you can. Submitting your application promptly will allow us to commence planning of classes for the coming year.

  • Kindergarten – must turn 4 by June 30, 2022
  • Pre-primary – must turn 5 by June 30, 2022


* Children currently enrolled in Kindergarten at Hawker Park Primary School need to re-enrol if wishing to continue in Pre-primary at the school in 2022. Application forms for these students will be sent home in due course.

* Children currently enrolled at Hawker Park Primary School who have a sibling of Kindy age for 2022 must still apply as this is not automatic. For Kindergarten we have a limit of 20 students per group therefore enrolments are accepted as they are received.


If you have a neighbour or friend whose child will be turning 4 before 30 June 2022, please remind them to complete an application form before the end of term 2.


Submit your Application Form for enrolment at the school as soon as possible and provide copies of:

  • your child’s birth certificate (the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages certificate)
  • your child’s Immunisation History Statement (This can be obtained through your My Gov account)
  • proof of your current address (e.g. recent accounts for electricity, water and telephone, bank details)


Week 10

  • 21 Jun – MBA Sports (Kindy 1)
  • 22 Jun – Better Beginnings Library Visit (Kindy 1)
  • 22 Jun – Caversham Wildlife Excursion (PP)
  • 22 Jun – Make a Move Showcase (Yr. 1 – 6) – 1:15pm – 1:45pm
  • 24 Jun – Assembly TA5
  • 24 Jun – Dental Screening (selected students)
  • 25 Jun – Interschool Sports Carnival @ Halidon P.S (selected yr. 4/5/6’s)
  • 25 Jun – Better Beginnings Library Visit (Kindy 2)
  • 25 Jun – MBA Sports (Kindy 2 / PP)
  • 25 Jun – Reports emailed home.

Week 11

  • 2 Jul – Students last day

Term 3 – Week 1

  • 19 Jul – Staff Professional Development Day (Students do not attend this day)
  • 20 Jul – Students First Day
  • 23 Jul – P & C Day – Morning Tea

Week 3

  • 5 Aug – Assembly Pre Primary
  • 6 Aug – Science Alive Incursion (PP – Year 6)


School Calendar 2021

Student Planner Term 3


  • when it is wet Running Club is held in the undercover area
  • Monday 19 July is a School Development day and students do not attend
  • at our June 24 Assembly years 3 & 4 will be singing our community song
  • we are currently planning class structures for 2022 so if you know your child is not returning or if you wish to enrol your child, please let the front office know
  • it is P&C Day on Friday 23 July


What an amazing showcase of dances yesterday, they were all fabulous.
Every student put in 100% effort into their performance. Their costumes were really creative and effective on stage.
Each student was able to perform a piece of their own choreography.

I’m so proud of our Hawker Park community.
Thank you to all the parents/Grandparents who were able to come and watch our show.
Thanks Miss Baronas for your knowledge and love for dance.

I can’t wait to see what the children have install for us next year.
Mrs Barrett


“The last 2 soccer games have been amazing. Both were played at different schools, which means BUS! On the bus everyone sang their ABC’s and other nursery rhymes. After arriving at the grounds, we unpacked and split up into netballers and Socceroo’s. Us Socceroo’s warmed up with some goal shooting and then we got into the game. We emerged victorious in both our school matches. Our team is a unique mix of players who work very well together. We hope to do well in the upcoming lightning carnival, held at Halidon primary school oval. Halidon is the only team; we are yet to beat. Good luck Hawker!!!”
By Tynuka and Griffin

“Week 8’s game was against Dalmain. Both teams played great but could not take out the win. We played last weeks game at Marangaroo and both A and B team won. Everyone’s skills are improving and we all are having a very fun time. This week we have the main lightning carnival at Halidon. We will play 5 games, and hopefully we can come back with lots of wins. Good luck Hawker Park.
By Vayda and Samantha

Friday 11 Jun Hawker Park vs Dalmain Primary

Team A: 4 -1 win
Team B: 6 – 0 win


Team A: 8 – 12 lost
Team B: 2 – 14 lost

Friday 18 Jun Hawker Park vs Marangaroo Primary

Team A: 4 – 0 win
Team B: 6 – 0 win


Team A: 12 – 0 win
Team B: 24 – 0 win


So many great activities all happening at the same time! What a day.
Thank you to all our leaders comprising of teachers, Education Assistants and community members.
Your time effort and enthusiasm in preparing and presenting your activities provided a great range of experiences for our Hawker Park students.

We hope to see our volunteers back again next year with even more people recruited along with their SMARTS to make another great SMARTS Day. Please register your interest in taking a group with Michelle in the front office (94222000) for next year ASAP while your ideas may still be fresh.
Many parents worked together in pairs to present an activity which also worked well, even if you are just thinking about an idea please ring me and I can discuss it with you to further develop it for the day.

A huge thank you to Dr Roberts for supporting our ideas and to the SMARTS leadership team Felicity Randell, Michelle Atkinson and Nigel Kirkby who worked together like clockwork to make it happen. What a pleasure to be part of such a team. Also thank you to Chevonne Burr for preparing the food on the day and Sandie Beard for her efforts with resourcing.

Thank you parents for preparing your children and helping them make their selections. I’m sure many opportunities arose to discuss strengths, interests and ‘having a go’ at something new. These all help your children to grow, even more, in their knowledge of self.

Enjoy the snapshots from our day!












Thank you to everyone who attended our P&C Neon Glow Disco.
We had a huge attendance of 206 colourful children, who showed us their amazing dance moves and their bright smiles too!!

A big THANK YOU to all who volunteered and donated items, to make it a successful night. We could not have held a safe and fun evening for our beautiful Hawker Park children without all of your support.

A special mention to our DJ Scott, Rosie for organising the games, Emma and the canteen crew, Kym, Jes, Karen.H and our first aider Karen.R. You were all amazing!!

Anneleis and Claire

DJ Scott

Disco Disco Woo Woo


Zig Zags OSHC will be open, 6.30am-6pm at Greenwood Primary School for the July School Holidays from Monday 5 July – Monday 19 July

Zig Zags OSHC programs are engaging and inspired by our children and staff and include a combination of excursions and activities at our location.

All school aged children (including Kindergarten) are welcome to attend from any school.

In addition to the planned incursions, excursions and activities the children have the choice of arts & crafts, cooking, painting, drawing, colouring, word searches, puzzles, board games, chess, dress up, role play drama, dance, loose parts play and much, much more.

Please see the full Vacation Care Program on the school’s community noticeboard.
For bookings please call 0421 369 516 or visit


The Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre will only be open on Wednesday 7 July and Thursday 15 July during the school holidays.

For emergencies only contact Hudson Park Dental Therapy on 9342 4217

Thank you


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for further details on the following community events:

  • Zig Zags Vacation Care Program
  • Art Program
  • Get Active Sports – Term 3
  • Rising Stars Sports Camp
  • Kingsway Indoor Stadium – School Holiday Program
  • Subiaco Football Club
  • Creative Connections Flyer
  • MBA Holiday Program
  • Containers for Change
  • Kindergarten Enrol Now


Get In Touch With Us today