

Dr Roberts unfortunately will not be returning to school until week 1 term 2. As such I will be remaining as Principal and Ms Randell as Associate Principal. Teacher adjustments have also been made to years five and six to allow for this to continue and these have been communicated by Class Dojo to parents of these students.

Positive COVID cases and close contacts have increased over the last week, however fortunately they are still having minimal impact on the overall running of school. As always, we will be letting the community know through SkoolBag whenever we are notified of positive cases. Please remember students identified as close contacts may attend school only if they are not a close contact to a household member. Please refer to Health department guidelines re: Close contact responsibilities. Thanking you for your continued support in this area.

On Tuesday the 29 March the minister of Education, Sue Ellery and various other dignitaries will be visiting the school to officially open the Hawker Hub. Unfortunately, due to COVID 19 only 24 guests are permitted including students and staff. Later in the year it is hoped that the whole school community will have the opportunity to look over this building which is already providing much needed space for weekly occupational and speech therapist services as well as school psychologist and health support. The school’s designated mental health officer also now has a place to run the school’s Zones of Regulations programme from and various other meetings have been held here.

Playgroup WA is keen to help establish a school-based play group at Hawker Park and although our Chaplain has been availing herself for coffee and chat sessions on Tuesdays, this is perhaps something we will return to later in the year once COVID has hopefully abated. The coffee and chat sessions will continue for weeks 9 and 10.

Tomorrow will see a nationwide practice session for years 3 & 5 NAPLAN testing to ensure internet capabilities are functioning correctly. The practice tests results are not recorded. NAPLAN itself will be held between May 10 and May 20.


Next week’s WebEx assembly will be conducted by Year 2 / TA2. The link will be sent via SkoolBag. You can test the link prior to the assembly however until Thursday 31 March, at 8:25am, it will tell you that the meeting hasn’t started.

We are hopeful this goes off without a hitch and ask parents not to call the school if encountering problems. Suggestion is to log on by 8:25am on the day ready for an 8:35am start.


The school will conduct a special assembly on Thursday 7 April via WebEx at 8:35am to commemorate Anzac Day. Please note this ceremony plus all assemblies will be utilising the same link, which can be bookmarked after its first use.


Booking information was made available beginning of week 7. The link was sent out via SkoolBag, if you need this resent please don’t hesitate to ask.

Just a reminder that even if you DO NOT require an interview , we still need parents to complete the Parent Interview Form to notify the school what will be happening with your child as the school will be closed from midday to allow for these.

These will take place via WebEx or phone, your teacher will notify you of this.


Week 8
• 21 – 27 Mar – Harmony Week

Week 9
• 31 Mar – TA2 Assembly

Week 10
• 4 Apr – Parent/Teacher Interviews – School closes 12pm
• 6 Apr – Hawker Headlines
• 7 Apr – ANZAC Assembly
• 8 Apr – Easter Raffle drawn
• 8 Apr – Last day of term 1 – Happy Holidays


  • students are not to arrive at school before 8:10am as there is no supervision available.
  • the class teacher should always be the first point of call if you have any concerns regarding your children.
  • students should be bringing a drink bottle to school every day to fill from drink fountains.
  • playgroup coffee and chat sessions 8:35 -10:35 every Tuesday in the Hawker Hub until the end of term.
  • if your child is unwell you can notify the school via SkoolBag or contact the front admin on 9422 2000


Just a reminder that tickets for the Year 6 Annual Easter Raffle Fundraiser were sent home a few weeks ago. If you haven’t returned them or would like to purchase more raffle tickets, please do so in the front office.

We are also asking for donations of Easter eggs and other Easter related items (baskets, books etc.). These can be given to your class teacher and the senior students will collect them throughout the week.

All donations to be received by Friday 1 April and the last day to purchase tickets is Monday 4 April and

There will be at least two prizes per class. Children will be able to see the drawing of the prizes via WebEx to their classrooms at 2:15pm on the last day of term, Friday 8 April.


Sausage Sizzle THIS Sunday 27 March at Balcatta Bunnings. Come and meet some of our amazing Year 6 parents who are helping raise money towards the annual Year 6 Rottnest School Camp in November.

We would really love your support.

Thank you
Mrs Dobson, Mrs Martinovich, Graduation Class of 2022 and Parents


A huge congratulation goes out to my class, TA5, for a fantastic assembly on Thursday on Subordinating Conjunctions.

Wow! You were all incredible, well done everyone. Not only did you speak clearly and dance brilliantly, you gave a very important message to everyone!

A White Bus!

Well Done, From  Mrs Sherriff and Mrs Brennan J

Learning Adventures TA5


It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it.

Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.

On Monday 21 Mar we asked the students to wear a splash of orange. Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

Walking around the school this was an amazing sight to see.

Harmony Week


The year 5 and 6 challenge group have been working with Ms Randell on a solar STEM activity (as part of the Synergy Schools Solar Challenge). After working through lessons about solar energy, battery technology and basic engineering principals the students are ready to build their final solar powered car.

The students will have one hour to build their car using materials supplied by Synergy. This will be followed by the competition to see which group has the fastest car. Each group gets three trials with their car. The winner is the car that averages the fastest speed over a 20m racetrack.

Year 4, 5 and 6 students are invited to view the competition which will take place on the basketball court.

Year 5/6 Challenge


As we near the end of the term some children may be feeling tired and overwhelmed by school and the current circumstances with COVID 19.  Having a safe space and conversations about how our children are feeling may give them the ability to self-regulate as we draw to the end of term1.



The next P&C meeting will be this evening at 7pm via Zoom so please feel free to join us if you have a spare hour.

Key items for discussion will be the new P&C shed, supporting the swimming program, upcoming grants and activities for the children as well as the planning for the remainder of the year….as much as we can do in these slightly uncertain times!  We will also have an update from the school regarding the current COVID situation and upcoming activities they have in the pipeline.

Thank you again to all the volunteers who have helped the canteen get set up for success and for the support shown to the school staff and community – it is certainly a tough gig at the moment!  Keep an eye out for an update later in the week as we should have decisions to share after the P&C meeting.



Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:

  • Warwick / Greenwood Jnr Football Club – Gala Night 1 April
  • Hawker Park Playgroup



Get In Touch With Us today