I’d like to start this newsletter by thanking the outgoing P&C President, Emma Claessen and Secretary, Karen Hadfield. It has been wonderful working with these two dedicated ladies and their team. The school has benefitted greatly from their leadership and lasting improvements have been made around the school through funds raised. I’d like to congratulate and thank Rebecca, Daniel and Renee for their new positions and acknowledge the rest of the office bearers and committee members listed below.
Office Bearers 2022
- President: Rebecca Chamberlain
- Vice President: Daniel Vujcich
- Secretary: Renee Evans
- Treasurer: Deb Ryan
Executive Committee 2022
- Cassandra O’Sullivan
- Emma Claessen
- Rebecca Valenti
- Kym Leary
Another big thank you also needs to go out to Chris Fry and Terry Mahoney who last Thursday gave up their time sharing their expertise to deliver a year four parent Computer workshop. The continued success of this program is dependent upon parent support and it wonderful to see Chris and Terry assisting in this way.
Our first Assembly for the year is being conducted by the year six class online. For the first assembly all year six parents were sent an invitation link today so that they can log in and view the assembly. We have practised broadcasting to classes, but as this is a live event trial, please bear with us if there are difficulties and do not phone the school during the assembly if you are having difficulties accessing the WebEx. If this assembly is successful, future assemblies will be open to the whole school community.
Hawker Hub is now completed and being used by the school psych, speech therapist, OT and numerous other small groups. Additionally, we are looking at the possibility of creating a Tuesday morning playgroup commencing with a Coffee & Chat session on Tuesday March 1.
Please see the attached flyer and distribute to friends you know who may be interested.
Please be assured that the school will be keeping you informed about all relevant information regarding this ongoing concern through our SkoolBag App.
If you still have yet to return your child’s Student Update Forms, please do so ASAP.
This year we have still planned to close the school at Midday on Monday 4 April to allow for teacher parent interviews throughout the afternoon to take place by via WebEx or Telephone.
Booking information for this will be made available in March.
Please do not hesitate to call the school to arrange an appointment prior to this date to speak to teachers or Admin by phone or online regarding your child if needed.
Today all year 3 and 5 students were given an information flyer regarding this year’s NAPLAN.
NAPLAN tests skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum.
NAPLAN testing will be conducted in normal school time from Tuesday 10 May for 2 weeks.
NAPLAN is online and Year 3 will use iPads for all tests except Writing, while all Year 5 tests will be conducted online.
Please consider these dates if organising holidays during term time in term 2.
Week 4
• 24 Feb – TA9 Assembly via WebEx
Week 6
• 7 Mar – Labour Day Public Holiday
• 10 Mar – TA5 Assembly via WebEx (TBC)
Week 7
• 14 – 21 Mar – Harmony Week
- parents/carers with pre – kindy aged children are invited to a Coffee and Chat session to discuss starting a playgroup at the Hawker Hub
- the school now has its own Containers for Change bin onsite, located in the rear carpark outside TA7 – Eligible Containers, Containers for Change bin, Container for Change bins are here,
- That all SkoolBag COVID announcements are also stored on Hawker Park Primary School Website for reference
Term 1 is well and truely underway! A new school year can bring many new challenges and our children may often feel overwhelmed, it is important to continue to encourage our children and ourselves to have a growth mindset when it comes to the challenges we face.
I have added a few images with some great ideas of what a growth mindset looks like.
Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week, reminding you I am at the School on Tuesdays and Thursdays this term.
Take care, Chevonne
We have kicked off another school term and after setting up the new P&C committee we are ready for another exciting year! Thank you to all those who attended the AGM and parted with their dollar to have voting rights going forward – as well as joining the numerous working groups and committees that are needed for us to provide all the services we do throughout the year.
There were a lot of new faces this year and this is reflected in our new (and returning) Office Bearers:
- Daniel Vujcich – Vice-President
- Renee Evans – Secretary
- Deb Ryan – Treasurer
We are still looking for someone to assist Deb, even if it is in an informal manner to assist with some of the Treasury duties if anyone is interested in lending their expertise.
We have already had a busy start to the year with a new canteen manager being onboarded, a refurbishment in the canteen, new library books being delivered, the new BBQ arriving, the computer introduction night for year four parents and a clean out of the P&C storage area in preparation for a new shed as soon as we can finalise another quote.
There will be many more activities in the coming months so if there is anything you would like to contribute to or if you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to grab any of us to discuss further.
Bec Chamberlain
P&C President
HELP WANTED: Parents, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts – please come and volunteer for one day this term. Your help will be appreciated, your presence will be loved and you will be rewarded with a voucher for the canteen. The roster is available at the canteen window on canteen days or contact Nikki (0435 622 330) for further details.
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- MBA Sports Carnival
- Greenwood Girls Brigade
- Hawker Park Playgroup