In recent times we have heard a great deal about Family Violence and the devastating impact it has on both families and society. As a school, we promote Respectful Relationships and one of our key values is RESPECT. In our last Hawker Headlines, you would have read about Are You Safe at Home? With Friday 10 May being dedicated to raising awareness, recognising, and responding to family violence.
The website – – has valuable information.
Another website – – is another wonderful website with lots of information including finding a service and contact details. Their phone number is 1800 737 732 or for text 0458 737 732.
In connection with Respectful Relationships (STARICK) and to support the implementation of the programme at our school, three teachers and I attended a whole day professional development with the potential for further input from STARICK personnel visiting the school in the near future. The programme will complement what we are already doing in the Zones of Regulation area, mental health and Students with Educational Needs (SEN) services. STARICK personnel are happy to meet with staff and parents once we are further into our implementation stage.
During the professional learning day, we heard from a very informed person, who showed us the following empowering 4-minute video I believe of value for all genders. I invite you to view it. Should there be a need, we could organise a group discussion under the direction of someone better informed and qualified than I. Please let me know through sending an email to the school, if you would like a discussion group session.
‘I am. I can‘ was created to invite reflection about the use of violence (in any form) being a ‘choice’ a person makes.
Currently and to the end of this term, science is being taught by Mrs Barb Wheeler while Mrs Hazebroek is on sick leave. At the conclusion of her leave, Mrs Hazebroek will resign for personal reasons. Mrs Hazebroek has been associated with HPPS for seventeen years initially as our music teacher, then as our dependable relief teacher and in recent years our Science teacher. We will greatly miss her positive and creative contributions as a team player; we will miss her outstanding teaching, her professionalism and intellect. The students will greatly miss her passion and expertise in teaching science. On behalf of our whole school community, we wish Mrs Hazebroek a speedy recovery and a wonderful, happy and relaxed retirement from teaching.
Term 2 School Board Update
Did you know;
- School Board minutes are available on the school website along with the names of Board members.
- The Board Chair meets regularly with The School Principal to discuss relevant items and issues between the formal Board meetings.
- Nicole Arnold has stepped down from the Board Chair role after 2 years of outstanding work building a cohesive team and inclusive environment to support the effective execution of the Boards responsibilities.
- David Peacock accepted the role as Board Chair for 2024 with Vincent Bernard accepting the Vice Chair role in his first year as a Board Member.
- The 2024 School Budget has been reviewed and approved.
- Incidents of unauthorised access and theft from the school grounds were discussed with additional security measures, including fencing and security camera options, being assessed and funding requests prepared. Stage 1 is the new signage installed around the school perimeter.
- School uniforms will be available from Lowes in the future. Timing will be communicated when confirmed, along with details on ordering etc. Impressive new school dress designs have also been approved and part of the Lowes supply arrangements.
- The Board is working to increase its accessibility within the school and broader community to ensure it reflects your needs and expectations in effecting its responsibilities. If you have questions or comments for the Board, they can be raised directly with a Board member and will be discussed at the next meeting.
- The next Board meeting is at 6pm on Wednesday 7 August in the Hawker Hub and will be open for parents to attend.
SCHOOL PROCESSES – Parent/Teacher Meetings
Parent/Teacher meetings will be held in week 7 on Tuesday 28 May. As we did last year, students will remain at school and taught by relief staff, while classroom teachers meet parents. Based on last year’s survey feedback, this year, we will have both phone interviews and face-to-face interviews.
The selection of times was forwarded to you via Connect on Monday 13 May. Please complete one survey for each child. Selections will close on Thursday 23 May – tomorrow. All information regarding where to meet your child’s teacher is on the survey you complete. Time slots are for 10 minutes.
I thank Nigel for developing the survey online making it much easier for parents to select a time slot.
- As a courtesy, the school will always ring the parent/guardian if a child sustains any head or eye injury. As we are not medical practitioners, parents/carers make the decision regarding what steps to take next, such as, coming to the school to check their child for themselves, taking the child home, taking the child to the doctor.
- If dropping your student off at ZigZags in the morning, please park in the visitor bays only.
The year 6 Wellbeing Warriors have done an amazing job for the last couple of weeks, working with our year 5 and year 4 children. Next week will be our year 3 children’s turn.
Well done Wellbeing Warriors, a great start to your new roles
Mrs Sherriff
Mental Health Leader
Last Friday Hawker Park played interschool sport against Glendale Primary School.
Both our A&B soccer and A&B netball teams won their respective matches while Glendale triumphed over our gallant AFL team
All teams showed great sportsmanship in their games, and we are very proud of them.
This Friday our teams will be playing Dalmain Primary at Dalmain and we wish them all the best.
Mr Etheridge
Week 6:
22 May – Hawker Headlines
23 May – TA5 Assembly
24 May – Interschool sports (Dalmain)
Week 7:
28 May – Parent Interviews
31 May – Interschool sports (Home)
Week 8:
3 Jun – WA public holiday
5 Jun – Hawker Headlines
6 Jun – TA4 Assembly
7 Jun – Interschool sports (Glendale)
Week 9:
13 Jun – Speak up – Year 1/2 12pm, Year 3-6 1.30pm
14 Jun – Interschool winter carnival
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- HPPS Playgroup – Monday morning during school term – 8.30am-10.30am
- Perth Scarecrow competition – Friday 13 September
- Creative Kids Art Club – 22 April-20 June
- Greenwood College – Parent info night – Wednesday 22 May
- Government Funded Program: Saver Plus – Assisting families with education costs
- After School soccer – Glendale PS – Free 2 week taster program
- Ellenbrook Fencing Club – Ellenbrook Secondary College – “Come and Try” special for Term 3 (Tues 16 Jul to Sat 21 Sept)
- Career Conversations – Pathways and Opportunities – Tuesday 14 May – Thursday 25 July
- Australian Sports Camps – 3-day school holiday sport camp
- Mercedes College – Bring It On: The Musical – 25-28 July
- Premier’s reading challenge
- July school holidays Athletics clinic
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Pathways to Post-School Success
- Australian Girls Choir – Open Day