

We have had an extraordinary Book Week with activities every day that were both challenging and entertaining.  Numerous students, and parents, were involved in the Lego competition, making dioramas and book swapping.  Thank you to all involved.

What an outstanding SMARTS Day we had on Tuesday during book week!  Planning was superb; students were engaged; parents, community members and staff were happily teaching; and the rain started after the students went home.  What a FABULOUS day of teaching and learning thanks to everyone.  I acknowledge the planning and organisation of Mrs Everall and her team and thank them all for making this day happen!   It is a highlight of our school year.

The whole week culminates in the Book Week assembly and parade where students and staff dress as their favourite book character.  Students and staff had a wonderful experience at the assembly.  An enormous thank you to parents/carers for the time and effort devoted to dressing their children for this fun but educational day.  At the assembly, Mrs Keevil announced the most popular books read by students and the winners of both the Lego building competition and diorama competition.

Again, thank you everyone for facilitating such a fabulous SMARTS week.



In order to collect data to assist in assessing our School Business Plan, we add questions to the National School Opinion Survey administered every two years.  Hopefully this mandatory survey will be available to schools before term 4.  To the survey, schools may add questions. Most of the questions we add relate to Target 1 of the Business Plan “Relationships and Partnerships” and each of the 6 Targets has approximately 5 strategies and Indicators three being:

Seek feedback and act upon parent and carer satisfaction.

Every two years, the school sends home the parent School Opinion Survey to gauge parent satisfaction and allow an opportunity to constructively provide feedback.   Although the mandatory survey is not available to schools, we intend to send a similar survey this term.

Before introducing a new initiative, we seek the opinions of parents as we did regarding Reporting to Parents including Parent/Teacher meetings. The Principal reported back to parents with the following:

Thank you to parents who completed the last survey about Parent Interviews and Reporting.  Our aim is to provide opportunities for consultation and feed-back from parents when introducing new school initiatives. As a result of the survey, in 2024, we will have students stay at school and provide opportunities for parents to attend either face-to-face or phone interviews.

We also seek feedback from School Board members, the P&C and P&C Class Representatives during meetings.


We are calling for nominations for our school board for 2025 as three members will complete their term.  Please consider this wonderful opportunity.  Meetings are only once each term. We would like to have nominations in by week 9 Monday 9 September.  Please remember 9 9 9!!

Nominations may be given verbally to the Principal; forms may be handed into the front office or sent via email to the School’s email address

The Nomination Form can be found Link to Nomination form



The school now has an ENCLOSED bike rack with the permanent gate installed only last week.  Older students lock the gate at approximately 8:40 in the morning and unlock the gate close to the afternoon siren at 2:50.  We thank the P&C who helped us pay to enclose the bike rack.

For the safety of all concerned, students need to walk their bicycles on and off the school grounds.  They are strongly encouraged to lock bicycles to the bike rack inside the enclosure.  Students must wear a helmet and ride straight home unless they have parental permission to ride elsewhere.



To assist with our School and class planning for 2025, please inform Admin ASAP if you know that your child/ren will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students.

Thank you



  • If your child is unwell, please keep the child at home.
  • As a courtesy, the school will always ring the parent/guardian if a child sustains any head or eye injury. As we are not medical practitioners, parents/carers make the decision regarding what steps to take next, such as, coming to the school to check their child for themselves, taking the child home, taking the child to the doctor.



Just a reminder that enrolments for Kindy for 2025 have now closed but as we have some limited spaces left in Kindy for next year please feel free to let family or friends who are looking for Kindy placement know that we have spots available.

Could we please also ask that anyone who has enrolled their child at HPPS for Kindy in 2025 come to the office and pickup their Enrolment Form to be completed and returned to the office at your earliest convenience.



Unfortunately due to a lack of regular numbers, the playgroup at Hawker Park will have to close for 2024.

As the Playgroup is now closed, the room and toys can no longer be accessed by parents.

The school will be taking the names of any interested families in the future, and we may look to restart a completely new group in 2025.

In the meantime, I invite interested parents to have a look at the Playgroup WA website and search to find a playgroup. If you would like help in finding an established playgroup in the local area to join, Denise Oxenburgh, Development Officer–Enhanced Transition to School, can be contacted on the below details for assistance.


Direct Line: (08) 6462 8584

Switch: (08) 9228 8088 or WA callers 1800 171 882

Address: 1-3 Woodville Lane, North Perth


Usual Work days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday




A big congratulations to our 3 school representatives Esme Yr 4, Crystal Yr 6 and Owen Yr 5 who competed in the Speak Up Awards finals in Doubleview held recently, along with Asha from Yr 4 who went as our reserve.  They all did an outstanding job and were wonderful ambassadors for Hawker Park Primary. Crystal is through to the next round with her speech on Being a Twin. Well done to all of these students!






SMARTS DAY, Book Swap, Lego Comp, Dioramas, Book Week Most Popular Reads, Book Week Parade and Speak Up Awards! Soo much to do and see. Thank you to everyone in the school community for your support. What a great place to be………..Hawker Park Primary!



Week 6:

22 Aug – PP Assembly

Week 8:

3 Sept – Jumps and Throws

3 Sept – Cross Country

5 Sept – Faction Carnival



Term 3: Monday 15 July – Friday 20 September

Term 4: Monday 7 October – Thursday 12 December


Term 3: Saturday 21 September to Sunday 6 October

Term 4: Friday 13 December to Tuesday 4 February (inclusive)




Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:


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