Congratulations to all students who took part in the interschool jumps and throws yesterday. We are very proud of their efforts. Interschool athletics carnival will be on Friday 20 October.
Mr Etheridge will be back from his Long Service Leave in week 2 next term. We wish him a restful holiday. I thank Mrs Everall and Ms Randell who are taking his place with Mrs Everall as Associate Principal this term and Ms Randell next term. I congratulate them both for maintaining a smooth, functioning school.
Parents, during the holidays and all times, please know what your children are doing when using devices. Chat rooms and other social media should be used respectfully.
As this communication is the last for the term, we wish you all a happy and safe holiday. Staff will be back at school on Monday 9 October with students starting on Tuesday 10 October.
Term four is traditionally a lovely warm and very happy term leading into Christmas – a favourite time for me, and I’m sure numerous others.
As there were no nominations for the school board by closing date September 8, both Nicole Arnold and Loveinder Madahar will automatically continue as Board Members without our having to vote.
We still have one vacancy to fill and nominations for this one position will close on Friday 13 October at 3:00pm.
If you would like to nominate, please either ring to speak to Dr Roberts or complete the attached form and return by Week 1, October 13 – 3:00pm.
- School photos are Tuesday 17th October (Wednesday 18th for K2 only)
- Students are to walk bicycles on and off the school grounds
- Lunch/food is not to be shared
- Toys and equipment are to be left at home
- Only watches and stud/small earrings are permitted jewellery at school
- Mobiles are left at the front office and collected after school
- Long hair must be put up and out of eyes
- Unless under direct supervision of an adult, SCOOTERS are not to be ridden to school
Please note the School bank account details are changing.
Account Name: Hawker Park Primary School
BSB: 066 192
ACC: 1066 6977
Please make sure you check the details if you are transferring any money for upcoming incursions/excursions.
The Make a Move incursion has the new bank account details on the information/consent note.
School Professional Learning Days 2024:
- 29 January 2024
- 30 January 2024
- 15 April 2024
- 15 July 2024
- 7 October 2024
- 13 December 2024
To assist with our School and class planning for 2024, please inform Admin ASAP if you know that your child/ren will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students.
Thank you
Students who selected to work with Aleysha on the coin design activity on SMARTS Day would have been delighted to receive their unique designed and minted coins which they took home last week. How special is that! Above are just a few lucky students.
The Perth Mint has set up a promo code passed on to Hawker Park for the upcoming school holidays. The Perth Mint also has a crown decorating activity on these holidays that all kids who take The Perth Mint Gold Tour can participate in for free. The activity will run from 23 September – 30 December between 10.30am and 4.00pm.
If you enter the code HAWKERPARK at the checkout, you will receive a 25% discount on family passes (2 Adults + 2 Children) to The Perth Mint Gold Tour. This offer is available from 23 September to 8 October. If interested, you may book online at
Congratulations and well done to all of the students involved with the Interschool Jumps & throws.
We had a successful day with lots of students placing.
Year 4 Boys Long jump – Ryan 1st and Walter 4th
Year 4 Girls 1000m – Allaria 1st and Sofia 5th
Year 4 Girls Long jump – Sofia 1st and Allaria 2nd
Year 4 Girls Javelin – Bella 2nd
Year 4 Boys Javelin – Walter 4th
Year 4 Boys 1000m – Walter 2nd
Year 5 Boys 1000m – Ezra 2nd and Kyle 4th
Year 5 Boys Long Jump – Kyle 4th
Year 6 Boys 1000m – Beau 2nd and Jax 3rd
Year 6 Boys Long Jump – Beau 3rd
Year 6 Boys Triple Jump – Beau 3rd
Year 6 Girls Javelin – Ava 4th
Password: HPPSPar3nt
Thank you
Tracey Barrett
Name: Nicole Arnold
Length of Service on the Board: 3rd Year, 2nd as Board Chair.
Background: I’m a Chartered Accountant with experience in various industries in both corporate and management accounting roles. After a long stint in Oil and Gas I decided I needed a change of environment and for the last 3 years I’ve been the Business Manager at a large private school in Claremont.
Kids at HPPS: Ruth in Year 4 and Samantha in Pre-Primary.
Interests: Travelling and going on adventures with the kids. Planning the next renovation for our 50-year-old house. When I’m not working or taking the kids to after school/weekend activities we catch up with friends, a lot of whom we’ve meet through HPPS. I really love the community we have found here in Warwick.
Reason for joining the Board: I saw it as a good way to give back to the school as I’m a big believer in volunteering, no matter how big or small the commitment. The board role is particularly interesting given my current job. It’s been a great opportunity to learn and understand what goes into the decisions that are made at the school and to provide input as a parent.
Connect is to be implemented in our school as a whole school communication tool with all parents.
In the next few weeks, we will be moving away from the SkoolBag App and use Connect. Connect is a secure learning support and communication platform developed and owned by the Department of Education WA. It is designed to be used by staff, students and parents/carers in public schools.
Each parent/carer will be given their own secure login to Connect.
Connect is totally free and, because it is provided by the Department of Education, very safe. It will provide the same functionality as SkoolBag and DOJO, just in a different format. As well as being able to log into Connect on any internet connected device, you may also receive notices from Connect that will be sent to you as either an email or a notification on your phone. A free app called Connect Now can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple App Store and will let you receive Connect notices as push notifications.
When you log into the Hawker Park Primary School’s Connect you will be able to see:
- Whole school notifications.
- Individual year level notifications.
- Individual class notifications.
- A ‘library’ that will store notifications to refer back to; and,
- You can register student absences with the school.
If you have multiple children, you only need one login – even if your children attend different public schools or are at primary and secondary school. If you already have a login, the program will automatically add your students to that “P” number.
You will be emailed with a unique username known as a P-number and a link to create your own password. Creating your password means you are agreeing to the full usage terms and agreements of Connect.
Remember; in 2024 Class DOJO and Skoolbag will cease and written communication with parents will be through Connect only.
Step by Step Guide for Parents
Hello everyone,
Recently, I have been helping children to understand the importance of responding in kindness! Even when a sibling or someone else has been rude, or hurtful.
One of the children reported back that after determining to say kind things to a sibling, even if they used mean words, saying kind things changed the whole dynamic of their relationship. These two are now playing together and getting along so much better at home.
The BIG benefit that was reported was how it made the speaker of kindness feel. This student reported new feelings of confidence, self-worth and feeling good about themselves that were not there when they reacted with hurtful words against hurtful words. So, a win win situation, really, I can see three wins:
- The use of kindness changed the atmosphere at home and that is good for everyone.
- The relationship between the siblings improved.
- The giver of kindness felt happy and more confident instead of feeling angry.
As we all learn as we get older, to be kind to others is a CHOICE. This choice benefits everyone.
Please find below a link to the good effects of kindness from a mental health point of view. The comment below is from this page
‘Acts of kindness can make the world a happier place for everyone. They can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness, and optimism.8
They may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they’ve experienced themselves – contributing to a more positive community.’
Have an amazing holiday everyone!
Alyse Anderson
YouthCARE Chaplain.
We have some fun P&C events to look forward to in Term 4.
Kids Halloween disco – Friday 27 October
Rainbow colour fun run – Friday 3 November (with more information to come out at the start of Term 4)
P&C Hungry Hawker Canteen.
Thank you to all who volunteered in the canteen in Term 3.
We have some bakers delights vouchers in the front office for you to collect.
Without your help, the canteen cannot be maintained and feed all our wonderful kids. Thank you as always to Nic Fitzpatrick for running the canteen.
Halloween disco
Junior tickets:
Senior tickets:
Mothers and Father’s Day stalls in 2024
We unfortunately still have no volunteer to run these stalls next year.
The P&C are looking for a volunteer to sell goodies to the kids. It’s such a fun stall to run. All training and support will be there to help you.
Please contact Cassy O’Sullivan for any questions regarding the role.
Our next meeting in Term 4 is:
Wednesday 25 October
7pm in The Hawker Hub.
Have a wonderful holiday break and stay safe on the road.
Cassy O’Sullivan
P&C president
The P&C now have new bank details:
Main Account: BSB 066 192 Account 1066 6555 – this will be the usual account for fundraising events.
Uniform Account: BSB 066 192 Account 1066 6571 – this account is for anything uniform related.
Term 4
Week 1
11 Oct – Make a move K1/PP
Week 2
16 Oct – SMARTS burst – Art/Science/Drama
16 Oct – Brightpath testing – Maths
16 Oct – Make a move Yr 1-6
17 Oct – School photo day
18 Oct – K2 photo day
18 Oct – Make a move K2/PP
18 Oct – Hawker Headlines
19 Oct – Early learners K2024
20 Oct – Interschool Athletics
20 Oct – Drama burst Yr3-6
DENTAL THERAPY – School Holiday Roster
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- HPPS Playgroup – Every Monday (during school term) 8.30-10.30am
- Hello High School – Scotch College’s Memorial Hall, Swanbourne – 1 November 2023, 6-7.30pm
- Youthcare Art competition – Year 1-6 – Submit your entry by 31 October 2023
- Better Health program – A FREE healthy lifestyle program for Western Australian children 6-12 years who are above a healthy weight – July 14th – 22nd September
- School Holiday Athletics Clinic – 3rd/4th October 2023 – WA Athletics stadium
- Ministers Running challenge – 1x 15 minute walk or run each week between August 7 and 23 September
- Balcatta SHS – Gifted and talented visual art program for Year 7
- Absolute drama WA – Drama classes in Greenwood – Term 4 enrolments open now!
- Vac swim enrolments are open
- Warwick SHS – Dance Fest 2023
- Morley SHS – Aviation and Screen & Media specialist programs
- Zig Zags – School Holiday program
- Stirling Leisure centre – Holiday program
- Gifted and Talented Education information event – 28 November 2023 – 6-7.30pm
- Increased funding for KidSport program
- Telethon Kids – School Holiday Workshop
- Greenwood Little Athletics Club
- City of Wanneroo – School Holiday Programs