

We are nearly at the end of Term 1 and thank our whole school community for completing such a wonderful first term.  I am sure parents will agree, the year 4 Assembly was brilliant with students acting out the four times table.  Our students are so creative and confident under the direction of their talented teachers.  NAPLAN is over for another year and the Pre-primary teacher has completed On Entry Testing.  The traditional Easter Raffle Assembly will be on Thursday 28 March at 2:15pm so we hope to see parents at this event.

On behalf of the Administration Team, I wish you a happy and safe Easter and holiday break.  We will see you in Term 2 beginning for students on Tuesday 16 April.  Staff will be at school the day before.



For prospective parents, we conduct a Walk-Through Wednesday early in Term 2.  This year, it will be on Wednesday 1 May. Parents are asked to assemble in the front office area at 8:30am. Small groups of parents are led through the school by a staff member and answer questions.  From 10:00-10:30am, parents are invited to morning tea.

Our Walk-Through Wednesday is advertised via Australia Post’s pamphlet drop.



  • Although we do our best, physically, we are not always able to deliver messages for changes to home time pick up when these come after 2:30pm. Please try to plan arrangements before school hours.
  • The absentee form on Connect is the easiest way of notifying us that your student will be absent
  • Reminder to everyone to please tell your children they are NOT to play before school. If they are at school early, they are to sit on the benches outside the classroom.  The playground equipment is out of bounds before school.  Thank you.
  • Playground equipment may be used after school under the supervision of parents/carers
  • Our Kiss n Ride parking bays are for that purpose only, DO NOT leave your car parked in these bays, this is a stop and drop area only – please read the signs
  • students first day back for Term 2 is Tuesday 16 April
  • playgroup coffee and chat sessions 8:30 -10:30 every Monday in the Hawker Hub will continue in T2.
  • Parents dropping students off in the morning – please do not park in the staff parking bays, there are visitor parking bays or parallel bays down the street
  • TA3 assembly has moved to Thursday 9 May
  • TA5 assembly has moved to Thursday 23 May
  • Use of the Hawker Hub requires a sign in at the front Office



Just a reminder that tickets for the Year 6 Annual Easter Raffle Fundraiser were sent home a couple of weeks ago. If you haven’t returned them or would like to purchase more raffle tickets, please do so in the front office.

We are also asking for donations of Easter eggs and other Easter related items (baskets, books etc.). These can be given to your class teacher and the senior students will collect them throughout the week.

All donations to be received by Thursday 21 March and the last day to purchase tickets is Tuesday 26 of March.

There will be at least two prizes per class. All children will assemble in the undercover area at 2:15pm on the last day of term (Thursday 28th of March) for the drawing of the prizes.

*K1 prizes will be drawn on their last day.

The money from this raffle will allow us to purchase a gift for the school at our graduation.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Miss Armstrong and the Class of 2024.


It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it.

Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.

On Thursday 21 March we asked the students to wear a splash of orange. Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

Walking around the school this will be an amazing sight to see.

Harmony Week Poster



Over the last few weeks all students have had the opportunity to train and try out for the Interschool Cross Country team.

Hawker Park will be hosting the event again on Friday 19 April (am), first week back and selected students will be notified next week.

The below are the three categories for selection.

4 to 6 Boys and Girls from years 1/2 1000m

4 to 6 Boys and Girls from years 3/4 1500m

4 to 6 Boys and Girls from years 5/6 2000m



We need your support – Please go to Signup Zone


As a school that is part of “Your Move,” we are working on being more active in how we travel to school. Last year we had many days where students came to school with the “Walking School Bus,” run by Mr Jones. We also participated in other national events. At the end of last year, our school had 37% of students using active transport to school. This compares well with the Perth schools average of 20%.

I am very pleased to inform you that our school has been awarded Silver Accreditation. This sticker has now been added to our Your Move sign.

Our goal for this year is to work towards achieving our Gold Accreditation and improving the percentage of students who are active in the way they travel to school.

One event for this year will be Ride2School day on March 22nd.

Congratulations everyone. Keep up the active travel to school.



The Triple P and Child and Parent Centre teams are excited to offer a series of FREE online workshops for families.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program gives parents and carers ideas and strategies to help their child develop the skills and behaviours they need for a healthy childhood.

To learn more about Triple P, visit the Education in WA website.

FREE online workshops



– Providing Safe, Fun, Outside School Hours Care on the school grounds

– Located on school grounds

– Kindy, Pre-Primary and Junior students escorted to and from classroom

– Child led curriculum based on children’s interest

– Healthy choice breakfast and afternoon tea

– Weekly learning online journals to see your child’s involvement

– Approved childcare provider therefore up to 90% subsidies may apply.

7.00am-8.45am & 2.50-6.00pm Mon–Fri during School term.

School Holiday’s and School Development Days at Greenwood Primary School. Program TBC.  

Site Phone number – 0421 369 516

Autumn 2024 Vacation Care Program Greenwood



Week 8:

18 Mar – Harmony week

20 Mar – Brownes dairy excursion – TA1/TA4

21 Mar – International lunch

22 Mar – NAPLAN finishes

Week 9:

27 Mar – SciTech excursion – TA7/TA9

28 Mar – End Term 1


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:


Get In Touch With Us today