

An enormous thank you to all involved in our 40th Anniversary Celebration last Friday. It was amazing to see so many present and past parents, students and staff! The atmosphere was joyful and uplifting with lots of laughter and squeals from recognising past friend. The feedback from those I spoke to was really positive and a suggestion from one parent was that we ‘do this, every year’. For those who were able to attend, I’m sure you will agree, the afternoon/evening was delightful. Thank you everyone for making the memorable event happen.

40th Anniversary Celebration

The year 6 students, Mr Etheridge, Miss Armstrong and Ms Ferris had an educational and enjoyable camp in Rottnest last week. The students were beautifully behaved and we congratulate them for this. A great big thank you to our staff who accompanied the students. I am sure parents know that camps are not compulsory and staff volunteer their time to take students to camp. Without this volunteering, camps would look very different or may not even happen so thank you to staff for your generosity.

We have many volunteers at our beautiful school who help in a variety of ways in various capacities which we greatly appreciate. One way of volunteering is to be on the School Board. We have one position available for 2023 as Mr Andrew Hadfield will be resigning due to his child completing year 6. I sincerely thank Mr Hadfield for his commitment to the School and the Board. As a parent, if you would like to nominate for the position, please complete the Parent Representative Nomination Form and return to the school by Friday 25 November. Should there be more than one nominee, then voting will be requested on 30 November to be returned by 5 December. The school community will be informed soon after. The Board meets once each term for about 1-2 hours beginning at 6:00pm. Please see link for Roles of the Board

Another way parents, grandparents and friends may volunteer is through the P&C. This group of parents has been invaluable for adding value to the students and school environment. The P&C and volunteers, run the uniform shop and canteen. Money raised by the P&C purchases new equipment and beautiful books for our library to name just a few. In the past, the P&C have provided cool water fountains, paid for in-term swimming buses and the stage for our end of year Graduation and Christmas Concert and much more. I encourage you to volunteer your time for the benefit of your children and all children at the school.

To the many parents, friends and family members who already volunteer their time, a gigantic THANK  YOU!


To assist with our current planning for 2023 would you please inform Admin as soon as possible if you know that your child will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students. Please reply to


  • students should not be on premise before 8:15am as they are not supervised
  • Hawker Park Primary is a “Dog Free” Zone this is for health and safety reasons – and includes all Government Schools across the State
  • children are always to be dropped off and collected at Kindy and Pre-Primary by an adult


Week 6
• 16 Nov – Hawker Headlines
• 17 Nov – Early Learners, 9am – 10:30am (Kindy 2023 students)
• 18 Nov – Triple P Information Session (Parents) – More information below

Week 7
• 22 Nov – Warwick Senior High School (WSHS) – Transition day two (selected Yr.6 students)
• 24 Nov – Early Learners, 9am – 10:30am (Kindy 2023 students) 
• 24 Nov – BUZZ Day at Warwick Senior High School (WSHS), 9am – 2:30pm (Year 5)
• 25 Nov – Rainbow Run, 1:30pm – 2:30pm (PP-Year 6)

Week 8
• 30 Nov – Hawker Headlines
• 30 Nov – Parents Orientation, 9:00am – 9:45am (2023 Kindy students)
• 1 Dec – Special Helpers Morning Tea, 10:30am – 11:00am

Week 9 
• 9 Dec – Year 6 Graduation Ceremony
• 9 Dec –  End of Year Activity Excursion (Year 6)
• 9 Dec – Reports go home


Find out why kids do what they do & what you can do about it.

This free session has been scheduled with our families with young children in mind. This will be a great opportunity for our new Kindy parents to meet each other and other families who have children in the junior school.

Parents attending will have an opportunity to learn about the many Triple P Programs we can run through the school to help parents with the most common issues parents face.

This session will help you: *create a home environment with less conflict *calmly and assertively respond to unproductive behaviour *teach important skills *learn how looking after yourself as a parent helps your child.

If you are interested in attending, please click on the link below to enrol

When: Friday 18 November 2022

Where: Hawker Park Primary School – Hawker Hub

Time: 9am – 11am


“My favourite part of camp was mini golf and the dorms. Being with my classmates was amazing sharing a great experience with them. It was very fun riding around the Island learning things and have fun.” – Chelsea

“I loved camp because I got to hang out with my friends for 3 whole days we also got to go shopping with a budget of $25.00 or less. I also loved that we got given lollies when we did something right. The star gazing tour was also a lot of fun. And would you believe the amount of quokkas on Rottenest, there were soo many! Camp was sooo much fun, I’d give a LOT to go again.” – Annabel.

“The best part of camp was doing art and eating in the mess hall, the food was delicious. We drew the Basin with watercolour pencils and then painted water over the pencils to make the art work pop. Thank you so much for letting us go to camp.” – Evelyn.

“One of the best things we did on camp was a story telling tour guide and we learnt lot of stories of people that lived in the past. We also went to the beach and we had to make a sand couch and the best couch won a packet of smarties. Thank you everyone who organised the camp.” – Hamish

Year 6 Camp


Hi all,

We are getting close to the end of the year so not long now until the Rainbow Run and the Christmas Concert – YAY!!!

Just a few notes to get us through to the end of the year:

  1. Thanks to Emma Reed and Lynlea Denniston for sorting, moving and reorganising the equipment back into the new P&C shed. As background to this decision, our old P&C shed had been on the long term plan for replacement for approximately 3 years due to no longer being watertight, but it had to be removed anyway to make way for the Hawker Hub. This way we managed to get a free concrete pad included as part of the plans for the Hawker Hub. The P&C supply the shed and electrical facilities and the school agreed to temporarily store our materials in the meantime….but they are very happy to have their space back now!
  2. We say goodbye and a massive thank you to Sue Costa for her many years of service to the P&C and most recently the Uniform shop. We welcome Bridget Haj and Tash Wiese who will be taking over from Sue towards the end of this year and into next. We look forward to supporting them by making whatever changes are required to assist their volunteer roles. The Board have decided to investigate further options regarding the new dress style, print etc. They will be setting up a working group next year to work through the options so if anyone is interested in participating in this review feel free to reach out.
  3. Also a big thank you to Karen Hadfield and Kym Leary who have held many positions within the P&C and have been very consistent volunteers for activities and services for kids at Hawker Park Primary School. We wish you the best of luck as you move into your high school years and thank you for your service!
  4. The Rainbow Run is one of the fun activities on the P&C calendar! Unfortunately, due to the current weather forecast we have had to move the Rainbow Run to next Friday, the 25th of November. It will be great for the kids to have a nice, sunny day for this activity so feel free to pop down on Friday at 1.30pm to spray water and coloured powder at the little people, or just watch the activities – it is a fabulous day out for everyone.
  5. The canteen decision came down to being fully dependent on volunteers to assist the service whether it is run in house or outsourced. Outsourcing the canteen service is not an all-inclusive offering and due to logistics and insurances, the food will be delivered to the office and will then be reliant on volunteers to distribute the orders and follow up with any issues. Other schools in our area, using the local canteen provider, use 1-2 volunteers every day that the food service is offered. This is not a task that teachers or students are able to participate in so we would be reliant on volunteers to distribute as well as an administrator/co-ordinator to manage the relationship with the supplier, cover advertising, liaise with the school/P&C for menus etc. The ‘voluntold’ roster was a way to test whether we would be able to increase the volunteer base by providing more structure and although it made a difference, it still wasn’t consistent enough to support an outsourced model. As a P&C we would love to revisit this decision but would need more people to either be involved in supporting Nic consistently in our canteen, or by reviewing a wider range of external providers who may be able to meet the ‘traffic light system’ and to deliver an all-inclusive offering. If you would like to be involved in this, please reach out or pop into our meet and greet on the 29th of November.
  6. Final meeting for the year will be held on 29th of November at 7pm in the Hawker Hub and is not a standard meeting. There will be a small amount of business during the first 30 minutes covering:
    1. General update (feel free to provide agenda items for discussion to
    2. Confirm the nominees to be advertised prior to AGM
    3. Confirm the AGM date
    4. Rainbow Run update
    5. Parents Night Plan

From 7.30pm onwards, we will be having an informal celebration drink. So if there are any potential P&C members or interested future volunteers that want to pop in to meet and greet, ask any questions etc, please feel free to come in from 7pm or any time afterwards that suits you.

Thank you

Bec Chamberlain

P&C President


2 for 1 Entertainment Memberships for a limited time in the Black Friday sales.

Black Friday Sale

Purchases must be made between 6pm Thursday 24 November and 6pm, Monday 28 November.


Selected year 5 students will be bringing home an application for the Gifted and Talented Secondary Entrance program. Applications are now open and will close on 12 February 2023. To find out dates and locations of the information sessions and to submit an online application, please go to Gifted and Talented – Department of Education.

Alternatively you can contact the Gifted and Talented Selection Unit on 9264 4307 or by email at

Children with creative talent thrive in our Gifted and Talented Visual Arts program. This unique art program provides a challenging curriculum designed to bring out the best in students.

Please be aware that a Gifted and Talented course such as ours requires a significant commitment and passion for the visual arts. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:

  • Weight Watchers
  • City of Joondalup Library – Supporting Families Through Separation
  • YouthCARE Together 2022 – Family Christmas Festivals
  • Mastermind Australia
  • TriActive Craigie
  • Miniroos Football Program
  • Hot Shot Tennis – Instyle Tennis Management02
  • Mercedes College Enrol Now
  • Riverside Swimming Club
  • Sorrento Life Saving Club – Membership Day
  • HPPS Playgroup


Get In Touch With Us today