

Welcome back to a sunny term 4.  We are delighted to have both Mrs Beard and Mrs Kelly in the front office.  We welcome Mr Ross this term.  Mr Ross  will be working in TA 7 for two weeks and then every Thursday this term.  We look forward to having Mr Etheridge back from leave and Mrs Everall back in week 3.

Staff worked productively on our PL Day on the 7 October and I thank them for their dedication and input on the day.  We reviewed all our data collected throughout the year, analysed it and from the results, set priority areas and developed Operational Plans for 2025.

For 2025, our priority focus areas will be – continue Spelling, Gifted and talented (G&T), Neurodiversity, Mental Health, National Quality Standard (NQS) (K-2).  New focus Starick – respectful relationships and Teach Well.

In week 3 all staff are invited to a STARICK- Respectful Relationships professional learning session from 3:00-5:00 on Wednesday 23 October.  Respectful Relationships will be one of our focus areas for 2025.

Our next Public School Review has been confirmed for Term 2 2025.  We will be notified this term of the dates and will keep you informed.

Last week the younger children were involved in an incursion with Constable Care and learned about what to do in the case of a medical emergency.  Thank you Mrs DeLongis for organising this.  Other classes have been on various excursions.

We look forward to the Interschool Athletics Carnival to be held at HPPS on Friday 18 October.



For children who are not in our intake area, we already have a wait list for some classes for 2025.

Should there be split classes for next year, teachers develop these based on a set of guidelines.  Teachers always complete a sociogram to establish who children say they would work well with.  During the placement of children in classes, teachers are cognisant of the sociogram results and ensure every child is placed with someone they noted.



To assist with our School and class planning for 2025, please inform Admin ASAP if you know that your child/ren will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students.

Thank you



  • Students are to walk bicycles on and off the school grounds
  • Lunch/food is not to be shared
  • Toys and equipment are to be left at home
  • Only watches and stud/small earrings are permitted jewellery at school
  • Mobiles are left at the front office and collected after school
  • Long hair must be put up and out of eyes



Dear Parents and Carers

This term we will be continuing our Wellbeing Warriors.

For those of you who are not aware, Wellbeing Warriors is a new initiative which is being implemented into our school to provide students with extra support for their wellbeing.

The aim is to create a safe, fun environment for students, build their wellbeing and find support from other students. Connecting with others, learning new skills, building positive thinking, behaviour and improving peer relationships.

The Wellbeing Warriors will be led by the year 6 children and Mrs Sherriff.

Every Thursday, 5x year 6, Well Being Warriors will lead a range of activities on a year-by-year rotation.

A huge thank you to term 3’s  Wellbeing Warrior’s, your dedication and support in running this new imitative was fabulous.

Mrs Sherriff

Mental Health Leader



Week 3:

24 Oct – TA1 Assembly

25 Oct – Drama Bursts

Week 4:

30 Oct – Hawker Headlines

30 Oct – Board Meeting

1 Nov – Drama Bursts



Term 4: Monday 7 October – Thursday 12 December


Term 1: Wednesday 5 February to Friday 11 April

Term 2: Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July

Term 3: Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Term 4: Monday 13 October to Thursday 18 December




Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:

Instyle Tennis – Term 4 – Friday morning 7.45am – Sign up here!

Kids Volleyball Clinics at Greenwood College – How to register!

Junior Sports Competitions at Kingsway Indoor Stadium starting October – Sign up here!

Hamersley Rec Centre Ladies Walking Netball Competition – QR Code for details!




Get In Touch With Us today