As mentioned in the last Hawker Headlines, the mandated bi-annual National School Opinion Survey is due this year. The online survey is an opportunity for parents, staff and the older students to provide feedback on how well they think the school is progressing and make constructive comments on how we could improve. We encourage ALL families to complete one survey please. The link was sent out in the SkoolBag on Monday 13 June. For those who complete the survey, they may enter the Family Raffles for various year groups.
Congratulations to Mrs Codi Jeffries (our Kindergarten teacher) for her successful application in the Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee. The application was huge and time consuming but Mrs Jeffries persevered and was rewarded! The money will fund the project to plant trees at the far end of the oval which we will combine with our 40th anniversary celebrations in term 4. A huge thank you Mrs Jeffries for applying on behalf of the school community.
There has been a great deal of media attention on anti-vaping which can be detrimental to health. As a Department, we are committed to playing our part to raise awareness of the impacts of vaping in the community. You would be aware that, unless prescribed by a doctor for smoking cessation purposes, it is illegal in WA to sell e-cigarette devices and nicotine vaping products to anyone regardless of age. Of course, all school sites are Smoke-Free. For more information, please see the link to Fact Sheets.
We are into our second week of in-term swimming and every day, students are learning, not only how to swim, but also how to be more organised and how to change back into school uniforms more quickly and efficiently. Well done students and a huge thank you to all staff who assist and particularly Mr Etheridge for his planning.
- there will be prizes for families that complete the Parent National School Opinion Survey and provide evidence to enter the draw
- children on school premise before 8:15am are not supervised
- if your child is away for any reason you can notify the school via SkoolBag or contact the front admin on 9422 2000
- student semester reports will be emailed home on Friday 24 June so please ensure that admin has the correct email address of the parent/s that would like to receive the report.
- semester one reports will show learning area grades and effort, personal and social learning, attitude behaviour and effort, and the general comment.
- our schools vision is to work together using respect, kindness and manners, to motivate, inspire and prepare all students to become positive, confident learners.
Term 2 – Week 8
• 13 to 17 Jun – Interm Swimming (PP – Yr. 6)
Week 9
• 20 Jun – Make a Move (Year 1 – 4)
• 21 Jun – Make a Move (PP, Year 5 & Year 6)
• 21 Jun – MBA (Kindy)
• 22 Jun – Speak Ups (Year 1 – 6)
• 23 Jun – Warwick Senior High School Buzz Day (Year 5)
• 24 Jun – Interschool Sports (Year 5 & 6)
• 24 Jun – Reports go home
Week 10
• 27 Jun – Make a Move (Year 1 – 4)
• 28 Jun – Make a Move (PP, Year 5 & Year 6)
• 28 Jun – MBA (Kindy)
• 28 Jun – Make a Move Performance (PP – Year 6) 2pm
• 29 Jun – Hawker Headlines
• 29 Jun – Lightning Carnival (Year 5 & 6)
• 1 Jul – Student Last Day of Term 2
Term 1 – Week 1
• 19 Jul – Students First Day Term 3 (Tuesday)
Notes went home last week to all Year 5’s & 6’s regarding the interschool Sports and Lightning Carnival.
Friday 24 June 2022 at Dalmain PS – 64 Dalmain St, Kingsley (1pm – 2:50pm)
Wednesday 29 June 2022 at Halidon PS – 38 Halidon Street, Kingsley (All Day)
Please ensure that your child’s Money and Consent from along with payment ($12.00) is made by Friday 17 June. If there are any changes to the health status of your child from those we currently have please include that information on the permission envelope.
If you need another from please don’t hesitate to contact Admin.
Our first post about National Walk Safely to School Day went live last week. Click the link below to read our Hawker Park story.
Hawker Park Primary School | Your Move
Just a reminder that if you haven’t yet returned the Walking Bus survey you can still do so. Even if you are unable to volunteer, we are still keen to have your feedback. If you need another copy of the survey, please use this link to access and download the form to complete and return to school.
YOUR MOVE Walking School Bus Survey
Your Move Champion
Our Make a Move dance program has been running smoothly this term. Mrs Baronas has been amazing with the children and they have learnt so much.
Each year group has been working extremely hard on their routines and are very excited to showcase this to their parents/guardians. The performance will take place as follows:
Date: Tuesday 28th June, 2022 (Week 10)
Time: 2pm
Where: Undercover area at Hawker park Primary School
A note will be sent via SkoolBag showing the name of the song your child/children’s class will be dancing to, along with the costume needed for their performance. As mentioned in the note; you are not required to buy any items…they can be created at home.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Thank you
Tracey Barrett
EC3 have been learning all about djirda (birds). We made bird feeders and hung them at up at our bush school, we created birds’ nests and learnt about the Dreamtime/ Creation time story of how the birds got their colours. We also have been observing the changing colours of Djeran (Autumn) during outdoor learning.
Learning Adventures Kindy – EC3
Congratulations to the Hawker Park Hawks (year 3 Netball Team) on their first win of the season.
Zig Zags OSHC will be open for the July School Holidays. This will include the School Development Day on Monday 18 July. Located at Greenwood Primary School and open from 6.30am-6pm.
For bookings please call 0421 369 516 or visit
Zig Zags Vacation Care Program
Want to return to work or change careers?
Want to work in a school?
There has never been a better time with unemployment under 3%.
Schools and other organisations are desperately hiring people for the following roles:
- Gardener
- Cleaner
- Administration
- Management
- Canteen
- Education assistants and
- Many other roles.
Starting in July 2022, North Metropolitan TAFE are running a one-semester course on the skills required to be a successful candidate for employment in a school or elsewhere. The course aids in preparation for entry into gardening, cleaning, administration, management, education assistant and any other types of work.
We have had huge success supporting people to find work and the chances of gaining employment are strong. This course is suitable for people new to the workforce and people looking to change career or looking for a return to work.
The course includes:
- Training in skills specific to the role you are interested in e.g. IT skills
- Work experience in a school or other organisation
- Help and support to find work
- Help accessing further training as required e.g. Certificate III in Education Support
- Development of your job application cover letter, resume and help with selection criteria
Entry requirements:
- 18+
- Strong work ethic
- Good oral and written communication
- Must be able to read procedures, safety sheets and chemical bottles
- Must be able to send and receive emails
- Successful completion of an entry interview
- Working with Children Check and a Department of Education Clearance
Course details:
- Dates – Starts week 1 of term 3 and runs for up to 20 weeks
- Many students finish the course early because they find work
- Days – 3 days per week, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15 until 2:45
- Cost – Approximately $170 (subject to change) total course fee for full 20 weeks
- Location – North Metro TAFE Leederville and on work experience
- Qualification – GATE (Gaining Access to Training and Employment) Certificate I
If you would be interested in this course, then please email: Chris Hodson –
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- Zig Zags Vacation Care Program
- City of Wanneroo School Holiday Program
- How to enrol for Kindy 2023