

What another amazing year we have had. During our 40th Anniversary year, the Administration and Staff, would like to thank you all for your support and co-operation in another, but last, COVID-19 year. With most adults and many children vaccinated, we hope next year will provide a safer environment for all.

We have had another successful year, despite much illness in addition to COVID-19 absences and have completed most of the activities that we normally undertake. The enthusiasm from both staff and parents has been exceptional as we all work together to benefit students.

Earlier this year we saw the official opening of our Hawker Hub that is now used for a variety of activities with scope for more.

We planted beautiful jacaranda trees to celebrate the Queen’s 70th Jubilee with a tree for each year group. I know the students will enjoy watching the trees grow as they too grow.

Our 40th anniversary year celebration was a highlight especially as we welcomed many former staff and students. We heard Professor Simon Forrest welcome us to country and enjoyed hearing a presentation from a past student Ryan Webb, who started year one here in 1982. Through our staff, parents, Board and P&C members working collaboratively, the 40th celebration day was a huge triumph, and I can say the same for the whole of this year.

NAPLAN results were highly gratifying/. In both years 3 and 5 in all areas, Hawker Park maintained a higher mean score than the national average and a higher score than Like Schools.

This year, we conducted our bi-annual National School Opinion Survey and, again, the results from parents, students and staff were positive with constructive and practical ideas that may be applied to better our school.

Last Friday we congratulated our Yr. 6 students at a quality assembly. We heard from a former student, Brendan Chapman, now Deputy Principal at the prestigious Aquinas College. Within his inspiring talk were many messages for our students but one that particularly resonated was, that we may forget many aspects of events BUT, we remember how someone makes us feel.

Thank you everyone involved for making the Graduation Assembly and activities, and Monday’s Christmas Concert, events to remember; I hope, you enjoyed them, as I did, and remember them for how someone made you positively feel.

We congratulate and thank all students and staff for their continued hard work, dedication, and achievements in all areas of school life. On behalf of our Staff, both Mr Etheridge and I thank you, the school community for your continued involvement and care this year. We appreciate all those who implement our values and show respect, kindness and manners every day and help to make our school the best that it can be.

We hope to continue this into 2023 because, as our grasstree logo and motto say, “Together We Grow”.  I wish you all a joyful, holy and safe Christmas and holiday and look forward to a happy and productive 2023 beginning for students on Wednesday 1 February.


Honour Board

Congratulations to the following students who will be our year 6 leadership team in 2023.

School Captains – Jasmine and Beau

Gilmore Captain – Ava and Noah

Lawson Captain – Arabella and Alton

Paterson Captain – Giovanna and Alton


Congratulations to our Academic Award Recipients:

Pre-Primary – Georgiana

Year 1 – Mac

Year 2 – Jed

Year 3 – Owen

Year 4 – Jax

Year 5 – Jayde

Perseverance – Jett

Congratulations to our year 6 Award Recipients:

Dux – Chelsea

Citizenship – Emily

Endeavour – Olivia

Honour Board

Hawker Park Primary School is very proud.


Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Hawker Park has a reputation as a welcoming, safe and friendly place, and we would like to keep it this way.  As parents and educators working together, we need to continue to teach and role model appropriate use of devices as these have the potential for ‘cyberbullying’ if used incorrectly and without thought for the impact on others.

Children today spend a lot of their time communicating and playing on devices outside of school and occasionally some of these out-of-school interactions impact on school life negatively.

As we head to the holidays students undoubtedly will keep in contact with their friends in online forums and so it is a timely reminder for parents to be aware of some of the pitfalls of online life.

Below are a couple of excellent websites with resources for you to view with and without your children. All these websites advise that open dialogue between parent and child is fundamental in helping to navigate this tricky area of parenting.

Also attached is the Education department’s “bullying Advice for Parents” flyer.


What a fabulous idea and a fabulous gift. Thank you, year 6’s we know that the students in years to come will appreciate these.

Our Gallery – Year 6 Gift


This is such a successful event that creates an atmosphere of excitement and wonder. We thank the year 6 students for taking this on as a part of their annual job role.

Our Gallery – Year 6 Pixie Post


  • We have had reports of magpies still swooping. Please ensure your children are being careful today, tomorrow and over the upcoming weeks.
  • Miss Atkinson will be leaving us at the end of this term. We have both Mrs Krauskopf and Mrs Kelly who will be happy to greet you in admin starting 2023.
  • the canteen will be closed Wednesday 30 Jan and open as of Friday 3 February


Lost property will be displayed in the quadrangle area, outside of admin on both Thursday morning and afternoon. Any items not labelled or claimed will be donated.


Week 10
• 15 Dec – Students Last Day of School “Have a Merry Christmas and Safe and Happy Holiday”
• 16 Dec – Staff Professional Development

Term 1, 2023 – Provisional Term Planner 


Zig Zags OSHC will be open, 6.30am-6pm at Greenwood Primary School for the Dec/Jan School Holidays from Monday 19 December.

Zig Zags OSHC programs are engaging and inspired by our children and staff and include a combination of excursions and activities at our location.

All school aged children (including Kindergarten) are welcome to attend from any school.

In addition to the planned incursions, excursions and activities the children have the choice of arts & crafts, cooking, painting, drawing, colouring, word searches, puzzles, board games, chess, dress up, role play drama, dance, loose parts play and much, much more.

Please see the full Vacation Care Program on the school’s community noticeboard.

Zig Zags Vacation Care Program

For bookings please call 0421 369 516 or visit


Hello Everyone,

Once again thank you for your understanding and help this year through COVID times. As the Year ends, Cath and I would like to wish you all a Very Happy and Safe Holiday time and best wishes for the Christmas Season.

Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre will be Closing from the 16th of Dec until the Tuesday 31st of January 2023.

Our EMERGENCY CLINIC from 19/12/22- 23/12/22 will be – Landsdale DTC – 9302 2969.

For remainder of Summer Holidays please contact if any EMERGENCY – MT Henry DTC – 9313 0552.

Kind Regards

Janet & Cath – Dental Therapists


Want to return to work, or change careers?

Want to work in a school?

There has never been a better time with WA unemployment at 3%.

Schools and other organisations are desperately hiring people for the following roles:

  • Gardener, cleaner, administration, management, canteen, education assistants and many other roles.

Starting in January 2023, North Metropolitan TAFE are running a one-semester course on the skills required to be a successful candidate for employment in a school or elsewhere.  The course gives you an employment advantage that you can’t achieve elsewhere. If you have tried and failed, we will get you to where you want to go.

We have had huge success supporting people to find work, and the chances of gaining employment are strong.  This course is suitable for people new to the workforce, people looking to change career or looking for a return to work.

The course includes:

  • Training in skills specific to the role you are interested in e.g., IT skills, Office 365
  • Work experience in a school or other organisation
  • Help and support to find work
  • Help accessing further training as required e.g., Certificate III in Education Support
  • Development of your job application cover letter, resume and help with selection criteria

Entry requirements:

  • 18+
  • Strong work ethic
  • Good oral and written communication
  • Must be able to read procedures, safety sheets and chemical bottles etc.
  • Must be able to send and receive emails
  • Successful completion of an entry interview
  • Working With Children Check and a Department of Education Clearance

Course details:

  • Dates – Starts week 1 of term 1 and runs for up to 20 weeks
  • Many students finish the course early because they find work
  • Days – 3 days per week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday during school hours
  • Cost – Approximately $170 (subject to change) total course fee for full 20 weeks
  • Location – North Metro TAFE Leederville and on work experience
  • Qualification – GATE (Gaining Access to Training and Employment) Certificate I

To apply for this course, use the following website and select “GATE I Leederville”:

To ask questions please contact: Chris Hodson


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:

  • Greenwood Kids Volleyball Entry form
  • Kingsway Table Tennis Club – Registration Form
  • City of Joondalup – Reading Quest
  • City of Wanneroo – School Holiday Program
  • Zig Zags – Vacation Care Program
  • School Holiday Athletics Clinic
  • HPPS Playgroup


Get In Touch With Us today