It appears that Winter has arrived! During stormy weather, we try to ensure the safety of all by keeping students indoors during break times. I would like to thank all staff members for their flexibility on Tuesday 6 June when all breaks were cancelled, and staff supported each other in giving a little time to eat lunch. No one likes to stay indoors, but staff members showed generosity and kindness by helping each other in supervising students. I hope we don’t have too many “Wet Weather” days!!
Congratulations Miss Armstrong on the impressive work with the students on Sustainable Housing display last Thursday. It was so inspiring to see so many parents attend, and I thank all parents, staff and students who viewed the display in the under-cover area. The work done by students was remarkable and their ability to explain their models, noteworthy.
Staff provided a spectacular morning tea for Marilyn Smith last Wednesday, as a farewell gesture for one of our highly respected cleaners. Again, what a fabulous staff we have at Hawker Park when members come to work on their days off and others give up DOTT to assist while others contribute with food and in many other ways. A HUGE thank you to everyone!!
DID YOU KNOW THAT – vaping is dangerous!!
E-cigarettes, vaping and school communities; Parent information session
Vaping is a growing concern for parents and school communities. Hawker Park in conjunction with the Department’s Road Safety and Drug Education Branch will be hosting, E-cigarettes, vaping and school communities: Parent information session on:
Tuesday 29 August 2023, 6:00 to 7:00pm.
This presentation explores current information and research on e-cigarettes and vaping, including:
- commonly used vaping devices
- WA laws
- prevalence of vaping among young people
- health and safety concerns
- how schools are addressing vaping and the role of parents
- communicating with children and young people about vaping
- resources and supports for parents
- The School Board Chair meets with the Principal every week
- The P&C President meets with the Principal before each P&C Meeting
Hello Everyone,
I have two Grandchildren, aged 5 and 1. I wanted to share this blog with you as it made me remember that when I’m fully with them, we do find “Lines of Wonder” in our play dates together. Follow the link below and read the blog article. Our busy lives can make us all forget to join the children that are all around us in their discovery and wonder.
Cheers, Alyse Anderson, Chaplain. Hawker Park Primary.
JANUARY 3, 2023
Lines of wonder
‘Lines of wonder’ blog article was written by Chris Cussen, Senior Advisor – Service Development and Projects at Australian Childhood Foundation.
“Childhood has its own way of seeing, thinking, and feeling, and nothing is more foolish than to try to substitute ours for theirs.”
Dear parents,
The City to Surf running event is coming up on Sunday the 27th of August. We would love to get anyone who is interested, involved to complete the 4km or 12km run/ walk. Mrs Barrett and Miss Armstrong will be participating on the day and would love to complete it with some HPPS students and parents. Parents must register and accompany their child during the event. Please email if you are interested and are planning on registering. Once we have an idea of who is joining in there will be more information on where HPPS will meet on the day.
Thank you,
Miss Armstrong and Mrs Barrett
Term 2 – Student Planner
Week 9
19 Jun – K1 & EC2 – West Oz Wildlife incursion
20 Jun – MBA Sports
21 Jun – Yr1 Kings Park Naturescape excursions
22 Jun – Winter Sports Carnival
23 Jun – MBA Sports
23 Jun – Semester Reports sent home
23 Jun – Yr5 Buzz Day – WSHS
Week 10
28 Jun – Hawker Headlines
30 Jun – K2 – West Oz Wildlife incursion
30 Jun – Bike Raffle Drawn
OPEN: Monday 3rd July – Thursday 6th July (8am- 4pm)
CLOSED: Friday 7th July – Thursday 13th July (Inclusive)
RE-OPENS 14TH July (8am-4pm)
Kind Regards
Janet & Cath
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- HPPS Playgroup – Every Monday (during school term) 8.30-10.30am
- Warwick Senior High School – Year 5 Buzz Day – Friday 23 June
- Warwick Senior High School – Year 5 – Free Dance classes
- Hello High School – Scotch College’s Memorial Hall, Swanbourne – 1 November 2023, 6-7.30pm
- Kingsway Indoor Stadium & Wanneroo Aquamotion – School Holiday Programs, Various Sports & Activities all through the holidays!
- Youthcare Art competition – Year 1-6 – Submit your entry by 31 October 2023.
- North Beach Baptist Church’s Kings Club 2023 – Monday 3 to Friday 7 July, 9am to 12:30pm
- MLC Foundation Community Scholarship – Methodist Ladies’ College
- Morawa DHS – 100 Year celebration – Open house – Friday 4 August
- Sorrento FC – School Holiday Program (8–12-year-olds)
- Stirling Leisure centre – School Holiday Program
- WA Police Youth Development Pipe Band
- Cultivating Curiosity (gifted, twice-exceptional (2E)) – Winter School Holiday Workshop