As I am writing this entry the ground works for our new building (The Hawker Hub) have begun in earnest outside my window and eight car bays have been lost from the staff carpark. With student teachers commencing teaching practicums soon, parking will become an issue as some staff will be needing to park off site. In regards to parking it was brought to my attention at last week’s Class Rep meeting that the rules for the Kiss and Drive are not always being adhered to. These are not parking bays and if your child is not ready don’t stop – drive around the block and try again. With everyone’s cooperation and understanding I am sure these traffic issues can be worked through.
The school has now gained a new bore for our grounds. In the coming weeks we are looking at investing funds in some long overdue maintenance to our school oval which will result in it being out of operation for the last week of this term and possibly week one of next.
A big thank you to our wonderful P&C who are organising a sausage sizzle and cake stall for the upcoming state election on Saturday at the school. Don’t forget to vote and carry some cash to support this stall.
Big congratulations to our first Honor Certificate recipients of 2021.
And also to our Aussie of the Month recipient.
This year we will be having our Parent Interviews on the last Monday of term one, 29 March. The school will close from 12:00pm.
For those new to the school, basically, parents have the opportunity of selecting a ten-minute time-slot to speak to the classroom teacher who will discuss how your child has been progressing in term one. We will request to know who will be collecting your child or how your child intends to go home.
Where a child cannot be collected, supervision will be provided by the school
A new online system for parents to be able to select Interview Times via a link that will be sent out to all families within the next week.
Although the following contributions and charges are voluntary, funds enable the school to provide resources for your child. We thank you in advance for considering payment.
P&C CONTRIBUTION $30 per family
If you have paid your Voluntary Contributions with your child’s personal items through Campion and require a receipt please let the office know.
Option 1: Direct Deposit – Hawker Park Primary School
BSB: 306074
Account Number: 4857503
(Please remember to put your child’s name and a reference with your payment)
Option 2: Credit Card (MasterCard/Visa/AMEX) or EFTPOS at the front office.
Option 3: Cash at the front office.
2021 Contributions and Charges
- Any changes to the end of day pick up arrangement must be communicated through the front office.
- Students are instructed to wait in the front office if parents are not at the designated pickup.
- Our Aussie of The month awards are sponsored by National Australia Day Council and the Department of Home Affairs.
- Through the School Board, we are reviewing the process selection of our Captains and a consultation survey will be sent home soon.
A friendly reminder to all parents and carers to please utilise the KISS AND DRIVE parking bays in Hawker Avenue as they are intended. We have 3 bays available for your convenience which can only be effective when ALL users abide by the following guidelines:
- Move as near to the front of the Kiss & Drive bays as possible.
- Bays to be used only for set down and pick up of students.
- Do not leave your car as no parking is permitted in the Kiss & Drive bays.
- Children must wait in the school grounds near the Kiss & Drive
- If your child is not ready don’t stop – drive around the block and try again.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated to make this an efficient and effective system for all.
As a part of the Harmony Week Celebrations each class will take part in an ‘International Lunch’ on Friday 19 March 2021. Each child will be asked to contribute a dish to share at their own class lunch. All lunches will be held in classrooms or an area close by.
The food needs to be representative of a dish from a country of the student’s family ancestry. We encourage parents and carers to have discussions in choosing the kind of dish to be contributed. It would be a great point of learning if your child has a good understanding about the background of the food as each child will be asked to briefly introduce their food before the meal if they can. The dish does not have to be homemade or it can be made by other members of the family such as grandparents. The lunch will commence at 11.40am in each classroom and any food being brought to the school by parents needs to be here by that time. If food needs to be served warm, then parents will need to drop this food off at 11:20am. Heating facilities at the school will not be able to cope with the demand at a whole school level. Please remember to label all food containers sent to school to ensure they return to you.
We look forward to sharing in the luncheon together. Parents (including grandparents) are invited to pop in and join us if you wish however please remember that we are still abiding by social distancing, the 2 square meter rule when inside classrooms and hygiene measures due to COVID -19. Western Australians share a diverse heritage that originates from every part of the world and builds upon our rich Indigenous culture. If there are any family members who wish to come and share their experiences and journey with the children during Harmony Week or at any other time, please contact your child’s teacher. Alternatively, your child can share on your behalf.
It is important that your teacher is kept up to date in writing of any food restrictions your child may have. Please ensure also that the front office is copied into any emails ( to the teacher regarding food restrictions as these need to be on record.
To make this special day each child will be asked to wear something ORANGE.
All enquiries and communication regarding this lunch need to go to your class teacher.
SMARTS DAY gives your child the opportunity to shine in the areas in which they choose. The whole day is about being creative, curious and collaborative. The students are placed in groups which are multi-aged therefore the children are demonstrating kindness, respect and manners when working with children younger or older than them. It is a day of playful learning and experiences.
We are on a TALENT SEARCH in our community. Will you??? or do you know someone with a talent who will come and share it with a small group of students on this day.
We have already had members of our school community come forward but we need MORE!
In Year 2, TA2 we have been restoring and caring for the Big Friendly Garden as we prepare to plant seedlings. In Design Technology we are learning about food and fibre production. It is important that we understand how our food gets from the paddock to our plate.
It was tough work sorting out the weeds at first, they really do just look like normal plants. Some weeds were so far in the ground that we had to dig them out and their roots were HUGE!
Last week we collected Woolworths Discovery Garden seeds and planted them. Once they have grown we are going to plant them in the BFG to grow and eventually enjoy. We can’t wait for everyone to see what we grow and enjoy the produce together.
We have had a busy and exciting start to the year. We are working extremely hard to learn all our new routines. We are practising thinking for ourselves and making smart choices.
- In HASS we have been looking at celebrations including local, national, and international celebrations. During philosophy we have discussed whether animals should be treated in the same way as people and answered many “Would you Rather,’ questions giving reasons for our choices.
- In writing we have argued that “Dogs are Better than Cats!” (Obviously!)
- In spelling we have jumped, clapped, and stamped our words as well as putting them in alphabetical order.
- In maths we have been measuring in mm and cm and learning about numbers beyond one thousand.
- In art we have created Picasso inspired self-portraits and are currently working on a Romero Britto piece.
Here are some of our amazing self-portraits.
I absolutely love that as a school we are teaching our children emotional intelligence from a young age. The Zones of Regulation gives children the vocabulary to express how they are feeling as well as learning how to get themselves back to feeling okay and ready to learn. These are wonderful skills to learn and build on for their future. It also promotes resilience and adaptability.
Term 1 can be challenging as we all settle into new routines and expectations, keeping an open dialog with our children may help them regulate and bounce back when faced with any challenges this term may bring.
A quick reminder that I am at school on a Thursday and Friday.
Have a great week 🙂
Welcome to the new P&C members for 2021 with the executive team of:
- Emma Reed President
- Bec Chamberlain VP
- Deb Ryan Treasurer
- Karen Hadfield Secretary.
We had a great AGM with a good turnout of old and new members. New people are welcome to join throughout the year.
Our first P&C event is the election cake stall and sausage sizzle this Saturday at the school. Come down and say hi, drop off some baked goods, have something to eat and even stay a while and help if you can. 8-12
Next up is the annual hot cross bun drive from Bakers Delight Warwick. It’s not a massive fundraiser but we like to support local and they are the best hot cross buns around.
Fabi and Nigel give money to the school via the dough raiser program – mention HPPS when you purchase at Warwick and we get a % of the sale!! Plus, we get all our bread products for the canteen from them for free!!
Look out for the flyer and order form coming home today.
Our next meeting is Wed March 24th 7pm. We’ll be planning the calendar for the year so if you’ve got ideas please join us!
Hello everyone,
My name is Claire, and I am the Scholastic Book Club rep and a parent at our school. Scholastic offers a huge range of amazing books and resources. All items can be purchased online (unfortunately we can’t accept cash) at and is delivered free to either your child’s classroom or if you prefer you can arrange collection from the office (please select gift option when ordering)
For every book club order placed, Scholastic gives back 20% of the order spend to our school to purchase valuable education resources via the Scholastic Rewards program managed by our wonderful librarian Mrs Keevil.
If anyone requires any additional information please don’t hesitate to contact customer service on 1800 021 233 or email me on or message /call me on 0414224268.
Happy Shopping!!
Kind Regards
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for further details on the following community events:
- Sorrento Football Club
- Warwick Greenwood Knights
- P&C Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall Flyer
- P&C Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser
- Harmony Week International Lunch Flyer
- Behaviour Tonic Workshop
- WAFFA Future Stars Soccer Clinic