Welcome parents, students and staff to 2022!
As you are probably aware by now, Dr Roberts will be absent from school for 4-6 weeks and I am the Principal during this time. Hawker Park is a fantastic school to be principal of, with highly professional and dedicated staff who have worked many days during their holidays to ensure a smooth transition back into exciting school life for you.
Unfortunately, these interesting times caused us to cancel our Welcome Picnic and class meetings. Staff are currently making adjustments to their interactions with one another so as to limit whole school close contacts, therefore reducing the potential for all staff isolating in event of a Covid19 infection.
As relayed to you previously through SkoolBag updates, WA is under COVID-19 restrictions. Parents can enter school grounds for drop off but are not allowed to enter buildings. Please direct enquiries to the school and your child’s teacher digitally and by telephone. This is also the case with the Admin office, however if necessary I am happy to conduct meetings that cannot happen online.
The school is maintaining high standards of hygiene practice, In-school cleaning throughout the day will be maintained, hand sanitiser is readily available, students are encouraged to have water bottles that may be left at school and re-filled daily from the water fountain and we request families be vigilant in keeping unwell children home from school.
The SkoolBag app will continue to be the Administrations main way of communicating important up to date information, so I encourage everyone to be mindful of this.
As we settle into the school year it would be good to see children increasing their independence by making their own way to their classrooms and taking their own things into their rooms to be organised for the start of the day.
A big shout out goes to our wonderful gardeners George and Adrian who have done an amazing job keeping the school grounds looking green and fantastic for the children to return to over this unusually hot summer.
Our first school assembly will be conducted by the year 6’s on Thursday 24 February, this will not be a full school assembly and details about how this will be presented will follow.
On behalf of all staff members, we thank you in anticipation for your understanding and co-operation. We look forward to a brilliant and productive 2022.
The current staff is as follows:
Principal – Mr Andrew Etheridge ( Dr Irma Roberts on Leave)
Associate Principal – Ms Felicity Randell ( Dr Irma Roberts on Leave)
SEN Coordinator – Mrs Liz Everall
Kindy – Mrs Codi Jeffries
Pre Primary – Mrs Kira Tessler & Mrs Branka Subotic (Wed)
Pre Primary – Mrs Tess Jones & Mrs Michelle May (Wed)
Yr. 1 – Miss Stephanie Germano
Yr. 2 – Miss Rikki Armstrong
Yr. 3 – Mrs Liz Everall & Mrs Tracey Barrett
Yr. 3 – Ms Bev Stokes & Mrs Amanda Rozbicki
Yr. 4 – Mrs Lesley Sherriff
Yr. 5 – Mrs Ainslie Hazebroek (Dr Irma Roberts on Leave)
Yr. 6 – Mrs Emma Dobson/Mrs Alicia Martinovich
Physical Education/Health – Mrs Tracey Barrett
Music – Mrs Branka Subotic
Indonesian – Mrs Marlee McAdam
Science – Ms Lisa Thomas (Yr.1-5) & Ms Felicity Randell (Yr.6) (While Mr Andrew Etheridge Principal)
Librarian – Mrs Joyce Keevil
SMARTS Challenge Groups – Ms Felicity Randell (While Mr Andrew Etheridge Principal)
Level 3 Teacher/SAER/LSC – Mrs Liz Everall
Manager Corporate Services – Mrs Sandie Beard
School Officers – Ms Michelle Atkinson
Education Assistants – Ms Karen McPhee, Mrs Leelyn Kaka, Mrs Elaine Brennan, Mrs Lilian Stangoni, Mrs Joyce Keevil, Mrs Jenny Moy, Ms Mel Wilson, Mrs Deb Ryan & Miss Tahlia Collins
Chaplain – Chevonne Burr
Gardener – Mr George Tustanowki and Mr Adrian Delint
Cleaners – Mr Pav Gurovski (CIC), Mrs Marilyn Smith, Mrs Mery Beshay & Ms Paula Ferris
Our current numbers are a very healthy 224. We have a wait list for Kindergarten and had to decline students out-of-area as some classes are at capacity.
Our school has a highly justified positive reputation in our community. Thank you to all those parents who continue to fully support the school and speak positively about our highly professional staff and fabulous teaching and learning for your children.
- Thursday 27 January
- Friday 28 January
- Tuesday 26 April
- Monday 18 July
- Monday 10 October
- Friday 16 December
This is available on our website.
Information in the Family Information Booklet, such as School Chaplain, School Uniform, Canteen and much more.
2022 Family Information Handbook
2022 Kindy and Pre Primary Information Handbook
Although the following contributions and charges are voluntary, funds enable the school to provide resources for your child. We thank you in advance for considering payment.
P&C CONTRIBUTION $30 per family
If you have paid your Voluntary Contributions with your child’s personal items through Campion and require a receipt, please let the office know.
Option 1: Direct Deposit – Hawker Park Primary School
BSB: 306074
Account Number: 4857503
(Please remember to put your child’s name and a reference with your payment)
Option 2: Credit Card (MasterCard/Visa/AMEX) or EFTPOS at the front office.
Option 3: Cash at the front office.
Mental Maths
Recall of basic facts at appropriate ages is essential for children to be able to master year level curriculum and parents are encouraged to support children in achieving recall of these at home, through incidental learning and games.
The below links demonstrate what is expected of children’s understanding at each year. Additionally, Dr Paul Swan’s websites also includes resources that teachers and parents can download and use.
Each term students from years 2 to complete school based mental arithmetic tests that demonstrate their progress.
A copy of these have been distributed to the children
This year we have planned to close the school at Midday on Monday 4 April to allow for teacher parent interviews throughout the afternoon.
Booking information for this will be made available in March. COVID 19 restrictions however may cancel this.
Please do not hesitate to call the school to arrange an appointment prior to this date to speak to their teachers or Admin by phone or online regarding their child if needed.
We expect our students to display these values and encourage the whole school community to role model these values and behaviours to support children.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 since 2008.
NAPLAN tests skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum.
NAPLAN testing will be conducted in normal school time from Tuesday 10 May for 2 weeks. NAPLAN is online and Year 3 will use iPads for all tests except Writing, while all Year 5 tests will be conducted online
Please consider these dates if organising holidays during term time in term 2.
The Student Mobile Phones in Public Schools policy1 bans students from using mobile phones from the time they enter school grounds to the conclusion of the school day.
This includes smart watches and listening accessories, such as headphones and earbuds.
The new policy supports staff and students to:
- reduce the potential for learning distraction
- protect the privacy of staff and students
- improve health and wellbeing
- reduce the chance of students bringing external issues to school through technology.
Kindergarten to Year 6 students:
- are not permitted to have a mobile phone in their possession during the school day
- must store their mobile phone using an appropriate approach or location determined by the school.
At Hawker Park, students leave their mobile phones at the front office and collect them at the end of the day.
Last week students bought home Update and Consent forms for completion. Please ensure these are returned as soon as possible to the front office.
Congratulations to our 2022 Captains:
School Captains – Isla and Hamish
Lawson Captains – Neve & Alex
Gilmore Captains – Wyntar & Harley
Paterson Captains – Zoe & Finn
Term 1, Week 3
- Hawker Park P&C AGM will go ahead in the new Hawker Hub building on Tuesday 15 February as a community event.
- You can keep abreast of Education department matters through their Website
- The school will soon have its own Containers for change bin onsite. (more information to follow)
- Children should ensure that their bikes are locked when left at school.
- That this year Hawker park primary will be turning 40 years old.
Welcome to 2022 wonderful Hawker Park community.
As we know life is ever changing as we learn to deal with COVID, please don’t hesitate to contact me for support for you or your family, I will do my best to help out!
I hope 2022 will be a year of growth and new adventures for our school community.
I am currently at the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Hungry Hawker is opening for Term 1 Wednesdays and Fridays commencing Wednesday 9 February 2022.
Orders can be placed online at (quickcliq) by 8:30am of the day or over the counter by 9:30am on the day.
HELP WANTED: Parents, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts – please come and volunteer for one day this term. Your help will be appreciated, your presence will be loved and you will be rewarded with a voucher for the canteen. The roster is available at the canteen window on canteen days or contact Nikki (0435 622 330) for further details.
Welcome to the new school year. My name is Dawn and I am the School Health Nurse who visits your school.
School Health Nurses work in schools to promote healthy development and wellbeing so students may reach their full potential. A major part of my work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program. Additionally, the nurse can be contacted at any time throughout primary school if you have concerns about your child’s health, development or wellbeing.
School Health Nurses serve as a health contact point for children and their families, providing information, assessment, health counselling and referral. They also work in partnership with schools to support teachers in health-related curriculum and can assist in the development of health care plans for students with complex and chronic health needs.
The services provided are free and confidential.
Kindy Children would have received a School Health Assessment these need to be returned to the front office by Friday 18 Feb.
Please contact me on 0418 684 827
Zig Zags OSHC – Providing Safe, Fun, Outside School Hours Care on the school grounds
- Located on school grounds (now located in the Art Room)
- Kindy, Pre Primary and Junior students escorted to and from classroom
- Child led curriculum based on children’s interest
- Healthy choice breakfast and afternoon tea
- Weekly learning online journals to see your child’s involvement
- COVID, First Aid, asthma and anaphylaxis trained staff on duty at all times
- Approved childcare provider therefore up to 85% subsidies may apply.
Mon to Fri – 7.00am – 8.45am & 2.50pm – 6.00pm during the school term. School Holiday’s and School Development Days available from Greenwood Primary School.
0421 369 516
- Wednesday, 9 March – Prospective Parents Evening (6:00 – 7:30pm) – The format is still to be confirmed subject to COVID restrictions.
- Thursday 16 June – Specialist and Elite Program Trials (available to all students who have completed their enrolment forms at Warwick Senior High School). Specialist Netball Program, Specialist Football Program, Elite Music Program, Elite Dance Program and Academic Extension Program
- Wednesday 7 September – Transition Day 1 – Available to all students who have been accepted at Warwick Senior High School for 2023
- Tuesday 22 November – Transition Day 2 – Available to all students who have been accepted at Warwick Senior High School for 2023
- Tuesday 22 November – Transition Parent Evening
As part of its community reach out program, the Warwick Greenwood Junior Football Club (WGJFC) has kindly donated $1,000 worth of new football equipment to Hawker Primary School.
As a family and community-based club, WGJFC is looking to build ongoing relationships with local schools and to offer students and their family’s access to a fun, inclusive and team-oriented environment.
WGJFC are looking for players from all ages to join the club, and registrations are now open. Details are provided below.
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- Wanneroo Rugby
- Time For Dance