

For those who attended our last assembly, you will agree with staff present that the year 3 students were fantastic! Their messages about the use of plastic bags was so relevant today. Creatively, they wrote and acted their poem about plastic bags and the environment. Thank you Mrs Everall and Mrs Barrett for preparing our clever students.

What a wonderful way to welcome Spring with our Athletics Carnival last Tuesday and Thursday. It was a fantastic success – beautiful weather and commendable teamwork from staff and students. A great big thank you to Sandie Beard and Michelle Atkinson for recording scores, administering first aid AND writing out leave passes for parents taking students home during school time. Thank you Mr Etheridge for organising the brilliant day along with other staff members who implemented game plans.

Parents, to help with our planning for next year, I would appreciate your letting us know if your child is not returning in 2023. If you have neighbours who have children coming next year, we would be grateful to know that too.

Thank you to the Year 3 parents who attended the Laptop Information Evening on Monday 5 Sept and to Mr Etheridge for organising and Ms Randell and Mrs Dobson for their support.

Thank you to parents who keep their sick children home. We hope, with the warmer weather, the current spate of illness will subside. We certainly look forward to the remainder of this term, potentially basking in the sun!


For those parents new to the school, and as a reminder, if you are taking your child out of school during the school day, it is essential that you have your child signed out.

Office staff will give you two copies of a Leave Pass – one for the classroom teacher (yellow) and one for you to take with you in case you are asked why your child is not at school. The school keeps the original. If the child is brought back to school, you then will need to sign your child back in. This way the school and parents know exactly where children are.

The process is followed regardless of whether children are taken out of class or taken from a school activity. Thank you parents who remember and follow this procedure so your child remains safe.


Our Early Leaners program runs in term 4 and provides an opportunity for parents and children to engage with the school and share time with their child. The teacher in charge facilitates a stimulating and informative program that will assist you and your child to develop:

  • relationships with other children
  • an awareness of the school’s physical environment
  • a sense of identity
  • a feeling of connection and contribution
  • a sense of wellbeing and
  • opportunities to learn and think

Our aim is to continue to develop collaborative partnerships with parents and families. These transitional sessions provide an exclusive opportunity for children already enrolled in Hawker Park Kindergarten for 2023.

The Hawker Park Early Learners Program will commence on Thursday, 20 October (Term 4, Wk 2) and run every Thursday until and including 24 November 2022. The session will run from 9am – 10:30am with limited spots however if this fills up an afternoon session (1pm – 2:30pm) may be offered.

Please RSVP your intention to attend by Monday 10 October 2022. This can be done personally, by telephone: 9422 2000 or by email: Admin is Open 8:15am – 3:30pm.


To assist with our current planning for 2023 would you please inform Admin as soon as possible if you know that your child will not be returning to Hawker Park Primary School in the coming year. This does not apply to our current Year 6 students. Please reply to


Hi Everyone,

The Walking School Bus is now underway. We have had a few walks to school. Congratulations to everyone who is participating – you are improving your health and helping our environment by reducing the number of cars on the road.

Your Move activities planned for term 4 will be announced early in term 4.

We are looking forward to an increase in moving to school (rather than driving!) with the advent of the spring weather.

Felicity Randell

Your Move Leader


Thank you to those families who have liked our schools Facebook page and completed the permission for their child/ren.

For those that have yet to do so please click on the link below. We would appreciate if this is completed regardless of a yes or no permission.

Facebook Permission Link


  • it is best practise to always notify the school when your child is absent regardless of the reason. This enables our SIS data to be accurate when looking at student absence reports. You can notify the school the following ways:
    • SkoolBag – Click on the App – Click into Hawker Park Primary School – Click into EFORMS – Click into Absentee Form
    • by phone 9422 2000 after 8am
    • personally in admin
    • email:
    • Dojo your classroom teacher
  • the uniform shop is run by a volunteer from the schools P&C. If you require a uniform, there are forms in Admin or on the school’s website. You can hand these into the front office but please keep in mind that there is about a week turn around on receiving these. Any questions please contact Sue; her details are on the uniform order form
  • if you notice anything dangerous like broken equipment around the school please report it to admin
  • parents are responsible for children after the siren goes at the end of the day
  • children should not be playing in the Early Childhood area afterschool hours


Week 8
• 8 Sep – Are You OK? Day – Please wear something YELLOW (K-Yr.6)

Week 10
• 20 Sep – Interschool Jumps and Throws (am) Marangaroo PS – for selected students. Notes were sent home Tuesday 6 Sept
• 21 Sep – Hawker Headlines
• 22 Sep – Interschool Sports Carnival (all day) – Marangaroo PS – for selected students, more information to come
• 23 Sep – Students last day


Week 1
• 10 Oct – Staff Professional Learning (Students do not attend this day)
• 11 Oct – Students first day term 4

Week 2
• 18 Oct – School Photo Day (K – Year 6)
• 19 Oct – Hawker Headlines
• 20 Oct – Early Learners, 9am – 10:30am (Kindy 2023 students) 
• 20 Oct – Dental Screening, 9am – 11am (Registered PP Students)
• 22 Oct – P&C Parent Night (See P&C Section below)

Week 3
• 27 Oct – Assembly (Year 3/TA3)
• 27 Oct – Early Learners, 9am – 10:30am (Kindy 2023 students)
• 28 Oct – Indonesian Incursion (More information to come)


Is a national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling.

At Hawker Park Primary School, we believe that by our students following our motto of Kindness, Manner and Respect supports all students, staff, families and community members not only on this day but on every day to check if we are or you are ok?

To acknowledge this day, we ask that all staff and students wear something YELLOW


What a wonderful effort from all students that participated in the Jumps, Throws and Long Distance Running. The results were amazing.

Athletics Carnival – Jumps, Throws and LD Running


On Thursday the 1st of September, we had our faction carnival. It was a fantastic day and we all had lots of fun! Well done to Paterson on winning the carnival. Lawson and Gilmore, even though you didn’t win, you all did an amazing job! I think we all enjoyed the day especially the P&C’s A-MA-ZING cake stall! The foods were delicious! Thanks for organizing our cake stall. Thanks to the all the wonderful Hawker Park staff for organizing such an amazing day for the students. Also, thanks to the parents for participating in team games, we love it when you get to join in. It is a great end to a fun day – Isla Jones

Wow, we couldn’t have asked for a better today! With the weather on our side and our amazing student competitors the Faction Carnival was once again a huge success. Well done to Paterson on 611pts followed by Lawson on 585.5 and close behind on 583.5 Gilmore.

Congratulations to the following champions:

Jnr Girls (Years 1/2)

Champion – Lilly

Runner up – Elise

Jnr Boys (Years 1/2)

Champion – Mitchell

Runner Up – Hudson

Intermediate Girls (Years 3/4)

Champion – Allaria

Runner up – Sofia

Intermediate Boys (Years 3/4)

Champion – Hayden

Runner up – Ryan

Senior Girls (Years 5/6)

Champion – Ava

Runner up – Jasmin

Senior Boys Years 5/6)

Champion – Beau

Runner up – Alex

Athletics Carnival


Hari Kemerdekaan (Indonesian Independence Day)

Indonesian Independence Day is celebrated every year on 17 August and is one of the most important days in the Indonesian calendar. It is a day of great festivity and a celebration of a unified and independent Indonesia.

There are many ways to celebrate Hari Kemerdekaan and during week 5, students at HPPS participated in a variety of activities to acknowledge this important day in Indonesia.

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan! – Happy Indonesian Independence Day!

  • Yr.1 – Crafting decorations
  • Yr.5 – Memasak pisang goreng (cooking fried bananas)
  • Yr.6 – Lomba lomba (competitions)

Indonesian Independence Day


During Recess on Wednesdays Mrs Stangoni and some interested year 5’s have been learning how to knit. Sewing Club has been such a success that Mrs Stangoni is happy to run it next term for the year 6’s. The students can choose other options such as cross stitch and crocheting.

Sewing Club


Hi everyone,

It has been a busy couple of weeks with the sports carnivals and cross country – we have been very lucky with the weather so fingers crossed it continues for the other upcoming activities such as:

  • Parents Night with an 80’s Prom Theme – This is the key fundraiser for our school for the year on Oct 22. It is a night for the parents to have some fun, get to know other people in the school and have a great night out! Feel free to invite your friends and family and tickets will be available via Quikcliq soon. Keep an eye out for details in the coming weeks via the HPPS Schoolfriends page on Facebook, via Hawker Headlines and posters around the school.

** If anyone can help Cassandra O’Sullivan with the prizes for the raffles/silent auction at the parents night, please reach out, either by checking in with your work, providing vouchers or donations from your own business services or contacting local businesses on behalf of the school – she would really appreciate the help**

  • Colour Run – The most fun activity on the school calendar and the kids love it!! It is coming up on the November 18. Lynlea Denniston would love to pass the reins to someone for next year so if there is anyone interested in shadowing this year to learn about suppliers, schedule etc. please reach out to Lynlea or myself.
  • 40th Anniversary – plans are coming along well with a really fun evening being planned with games and activities for the kids as well as food trucks and an ice-cream van. Daniel Vujcich is co-ordinating if you would like to be involved.
  • Graduation – is the December 9 and the Christmas concert – is Monday Dec 12.

Other quick updates:

  • The school (on behalf of the Board) will send out a formal survey re potential dress options due to our supplier no longer being feasible. Please assist by filling in this quick survey.
  • There will be a wider selection of sizes for the year-end uniform pre-order so please make sure you lock those orders in as stock will be limited.
  • Canteen volunteer roster draft was sent out for review to Kindy and Yr. 5 Family Reps (i.e. the oldest child in any family). Re-draft will be sent out later this week. Reviewing outsourcing options and moving to pre-packaged services is currently being investigated.
  • Still looking for a landscape gardener contact (or someone with machinery to dig big holes!) for the Jubilee trees if anyone can recommend a service.

Thanks Bec

P&C President


Zig Zags OSHC will be open, 6.30am-6pm at Greenwood Primary School for the Sept / Oct School Holidays from Tuesday 27 September

Zig Zags OSHC programs are engaging and inspired by our children and staff and include a combination of excursions and activities at our location.

All school aged children (including Kindergarten) are welcome to attend from any school.

In addition to the planned incursions, excursions and activities the children have the choice of arts & crafts, cooking, painting, drawing, colouring, word searches, puzzles, board games, chess, dress up, role play drama, dance, loose parts play and much, much more.

Please see the full Vacation Care Program on the school’s community noticeboard.

Zig Zags Vacation Care Program

For bookings please call 0421 369 516 or visit


Please see below School Holiday Operation hours

Week 1

Monday 26 Sep Closed
Tuesday 27 Sep Open
Wednesday 28 Sep – Friday 30 Sep Closed

Week 2

Monday 3 Oct – Tuesday 4 Oct Open
Wednesday 5 – Friday 7 Oct Closed

Kind Regards

Janet & Cath


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:

  • Zig Zags School Holiday Program
  • City of Wanneroo School Holiday Program
  • Mercedes College Enrol Now
  • Sorrento Life Saving Club – Membership Day
  • Lego Bricks – School Holiday Workshop
  • HPPS Playgroup


Get In Touch With Us today