Following on from our successful Harmony Week, where we acknowledge coming from different countries/cultures but are the same, human beings, and Australian, I would like to share with you some enlightening resources about neurodiversity
NeuroWild-Everyone is different
During this term, I will be providing other resources that may be of interest to you.
As this is the last Hawker Headlines for the term, on behalf of Staff, I thank you for a productive and harmonious Term 1 and wish you all a very happy and safe Easter. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Wednesday 26 April as Monday 24th is a Professional Learning Day for Staff and Tuesday 25 is the ANZAC Day public holiday.
Happy and Safe Easter!
In 2019, the Let’s Take a Stand Together was introduced by the Department of Education (DoE) as an additional strategy to reduce violence in schools and community with all working together with a common aim. In the document provided, there were 10 action points, with action #6 stating “New ’good standing’ requirements to be added to school behaviour policies”. Good Standing states – Students who do the wrong thing will have privileges removed – such as being banned from school social activities. Students can earn back ‘good standing’ by making amends and behaving well.
As respect is one of our key values, Staff continually educate students to be respectful when addressing each other. Name-calling, especially using the “N” word, is not permitted and can lead to the loss of ‘good standing’. Staff try to explain why name-calling can be offensive. Staff try to explain empathy and how one would feel being called names.
Fortunately, we have such a beautiful school, with parents too modelling respect to their children, so the need to implement the good standing requirements within our Behaviour Support Policy, is minimal.
- our ANZAC assembly is tomorrow morning at 8:30 followed by morning tea in the Hawker Hub
- playgroup coffee and chat sessions 8:30 -10:30 every Monday in the Hawker Hub will continue in T2.
- trees on the school grounds are NOT to be climbed
- walls on school grounds are not to be walked on
- Parents are to supervise their children after school if children are playing
- watches, with more than ‘time’ facilities are not to be used during school time
- jewellery, other than watches and stud/small hoop earrings, are not warn to school
- students first day back for Term 2 is Wednesday 26 April
- Years 5 & 6 will be singing at the next Assembly on Thursday 4 May
A reminder to all parents, children and caregivers that playing on the play equipment before school is not permitted. There are no teachers supervising during this time. Please sit outside your classroom and wait for class doors to open.
A reminder that today is the last day to purchase tickets for the Year 6 Annual Easter Raffle Fundraiser.
There will be at least two prizes per class. All children will assemble in the undercover area at 2:15pm on the last day of term (Thursday 6th April) for the drawing of the prizes.
*K1 prizes will be drawn on their last day.
The money from this raffle will allow us to purchase a gift for the school at our graduation. Thank you for your ongoing support, Miss Armstrong and the Class of 2023.
Lost property will be displayed in the quadrangle area, outside of admin on both Thursday morning and afternoon. Any items not labelled or claimed will be donated.
There are a few sets of children’s glasses and wallets in Admin waiting to be collected. Please come and see us if these belong to you.
KidsVolley Sessions start in Term 2, beginning in week 1 and finishing in week 10.
Sessions are designed to introduce students to the sport and then begin to extend them as they progress in their sporting and teamwork abilities. On top of this it acts a beginner for students interested in applying for our Specialist Program next term! However, we encourage and welcome all year groups, we currently have anyone from a pre-primary to year 6 that we are working and catering for this term, all are welcome!
We would love to see more people engaging in a rapidly evolving sport and becoming healthier through their involvement in sport. Beyond that beginning to be part of the Greenwood community and continuing to develop sport and social skills for high school either at Greenwood College or elsewhere, we again welcome all!
Website Update.
The P&C information on the school website is much easier to find. A new quick link has been added to the home page. Thank you to Mr Etheridge and Haley Kelly in the admin office for making this process easy. Now you can find all the Canteen, Uniform and Term planner information simply.
Hungry Hawker Canteen.
Thank you to all who have volunteered in the Canteen this Term. A special thank you voucher from our friends at Bakers Delight Warwick has been given out.
Each Term there will be two nominated year groups. Term 2’s nominated groups are Year 2 and Year 5. If it’s not possible to help on a canteen open day, please consider the busy bee dates or join the Bread run on a Tuesday evening.
Click on this link to check out Term 2.
Uniform shop
Thank you to Tash and our Uniform subcommittee for a successful Stocktake Sale!
We do still have a few second-hand items for Sale.
Winter is coming! Please order your new Uniforms or consider the second-hand items available. Please contact Tash Wiese should you have any enquiries. Details on the form below.
Up and coming Events Term 2.
Mother’s Day Stall – Monday 8th and Friday 12th May
Parents 80’s Quiz Night – Saturday 17th June
P&C Meeting number 3 – Wednesday 10th May – Hawker Hub 7pm
All funds raised from these events will go towards the Swimming Buses for the entire school in Term 4.
Estimated cost $5000.
Thank you for your help and supporting your P&C.
Fundraising Sub Committee.
Have a safe and fun Easter Holiday break.
Cassy O’Sullivan
HPPS Board Update
Hello all
What a busy start to the year it has been and now here we are, nearly at the end of Term 1. For those of you who I didn’t meet at the Welcome Picnic, I would again like to extend a warm welcome to all the new families who have joined the school community this year. I work in the education sector and am endlessly impressed by the opportunities and support our children receive at Hawker Park Primary School.
The purpose of the school’s board is to work with the school community to achieve the best outcomes for our students. We meet once a term to discuss school matters and can act as an advisory body for the principal to inform herself before making management decisions.
I joined the board in 2021 and this is my second year as board chair. In this capacity, I meet with Dr Roberts on a weekly basis.
Our School Board is made up the principal, staff at the school, parents, and community members who all volunteer their time. Our current board consists of:
Dr Irma Robert (Principal)
Mr Andrew Etheridge (Associate Principal)
Mrs Liz Everall (SEN Co-ordinator)
Miss Stephanie Germano (Year 1 teacher)
Nicole Arnold (Chair) Parent Representative
Loveinder Madahar (Past Chair) Parent Representative
David Peacock (Parent Representative)
Keely Mundle (Parent Representative)
Salvatore Siciliano (Parent Representative)
Chris Jones (Parent Representative)
Claire Hall (Community Representative)
Jessica Stojkovski (Community Representative)
If you ever have questions for the board, I encourage you to approach one of the members (we are happy to have a chat!) or you can email the board at
Finally, our next board meeting, to be held on Wednesday May 17th (Term 2 Week 4) will be open to the public. It is a requirement of the School Education Act that at least one meeting each calendar year is open to the public and we welcome anyone who may wish to attend.
Hawker Park students participated in the National Ride2School Day on 24th March. Those students who walked to school and rode their bikes enjoyed a piece of fruit for their efforts. It was pleasing to see the number of bikes in the school bike rack.
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
WEEK 1 –
Term 1 – Student Planner
Week 10
6 Apr – ANZAC day service
6 Apr – Easter Raffle drawn
6 Apr – Students last day of Term 1
Greenwood Vacation Care Programme
11th April – 24th April 2023
Where are we located?
Located at Greenwood Primary School, 12 Merivale Way, Greenwood.
Opening Times: 6.30AM – 6.00PM
What to bring?
Healthy afternoon tea and refreshments are supplied. Just bring your socks,
closed in shoes (no thongs please), hat, water bottle and nut free morning
tea and lunch. Please bring a rashie for any water play based days.
Vacation Care Pricing
$70 per day
Incursions and Excursion fees are in addition to the daily fee per child for
the corresponding day.
Government subsidies up to 85% may apply including the
incursion/excursion pricing
Please note there is a 2 week cancellation policy, however we are able to
honour swaps within the same week, providing it doesn’t affect our
0421 369 516
Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:
- Warwick Senior High School – Year 6 Elite Program Trials – Thursday 4 May
- Warwick Senior High School – Year 5 Buzz Day – Friday 23 June
- Warwick Senior High School – Year 5 – Free Dance classes
- Walk through Wednesday – 10 May 2023
- City of Wanneroo – School holiday program
- Warwick/Greenwood Junior Football Club – PLAYERS NEEDED!