

Welcome to term 2. As I have said to staff, I am delighted to be back from leave. I sincerely thank Mr Etheridge and the Administration Team and Staff for the way everyone worked together during a very challenging Term 1. I also thank parents for the way everyone co-operated and adhered to the almost daily changes to Government rules and procedures that schools were required to implement.

This term, it appears that we have a little more normality regarding school operations in that we will have assemblies in the undercover area for the whole school. Our first whole school assembly for the term will be tomorrow with the year one class.  We strongly encourage you to wear masks especially where social distancing cannot be practised.

Although we are permitted to come to school without masks, I and some staff will continue to wear masks for a few weeks longer. I encourage everyone to continue to wear masks especially where one cannot socially distance.  COVID-19 is still in the community and we are still having daily reports of COVID-19 positive cases at school for both students and staff. Please continue to contact the school for both close contacts and positive cases.

I believe masks, social distancing and good hygiene can protect us somewhat and I encourage you to consider these and remember that children under 5 are at risk as they cannot yet be immunised. Please remember that if an adult is a close contact he/she is required to wear a mask and test daily for 7 days. If a primary school child is a close contact, he/she is required to test daily and we encourage the wearing of a mask to help protect other students in the class and the classroom staff.

Parents, please remember that regardless of COVID, if your child is unwell, they must stay home from school.

We say farewell to our Chaplain, Chevonne, whose last day will be tomorrow.  We thank her and wish her well as she looks forward to the birth of her second child.

NAPLAN for years 3 and 5 will start on Tuesday 10 May over two weeks. We hope to complete the testing during the first week. More information will be forwarded to year 3 and 5 parents soon.

Our next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday 18 May beginning at 6:00pm in the Hawker Hub. This meeting will be our Annual Public Meeting where parents are invited to attend. We encourage you to wear masks and socially distance.  Please see below for more information.


The next School Board Meeting is on Wednesday 18 May 6pm. This meeting will be the Annual Public Meeting in the Hawker Hub.

An Annual Public Meeting is an opportunity for you to observe one of your School Board meetings and how it operates.

Any item for the Board’s consideration needs to be emailed to prior to the finalisation of the meeting agenda (by Monday 9 May).

Please note that as an observer you have no voting or speaking rights. You may only talk/participate (e.g. ask questions, comment, raise a new item etc.) if invited by the Chairperson.

The Board looks forward to your attendance.


This will be our first whole school assembly for the term. We look forward to the year one performance.  Although masks are no longer required to be worn, you may wear them if you wish.


Term 2 Week 2
• 5 May – Assembly TA1

Week 3
• 9 May – Make a Move (Year 1 – 4)
• 10 to 12 May – NAPLAN (Year 3 & 5)
• 10 May – Make a Move (PP & Year 6)
• 10 May – MBA (Kindy)

Week 4
• 16 to 20 May – NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5)
• 16 May – Make a Move (Year 1 – 4)
• 17 May – Make a Move (PP & Year 6)
• 17 May – MBA (Kindy)
• 18 May – Hawker Headlines

Week 5
• 23 May – Make a Move (Year 1 – 4)
• 24 May – Make a Move (PP & Year 6)
• 24 May – MBA (Kindy)


  • if your child is absent and you do not notify admin/classroom teacher the absence is mark as a “U” Absent (cause not established). If your child is away for any reason you can notify the school via SkoolBag or contact the front admin on 9422 2000
  • Hawker Hub has an opening plaque that needs to be put up inside the Hawker Hub. If you think you can help us with this, please contact admin
  • we have a new gardener for Term 2 as our lovely George is off. His name is Hakim
  • students need to wear school uniform jumpers in the winter
  • dogs are not allowed on school property
  • the school has an abundance of puzzles that we are giving away free to a good home. If you would like to have a look please see admin
  • did you know Warwick Senior High School supports some of our year 5 and 6 students in the Senators basketball competition by letting them train in the gym for free.


Enrol Now Poster

Applying to enrol your child

How to enrol your child into Kindergarten

Apply to enrol your child/ren at Hawker Park Primary School for the 2023 school year by downloading a copy of the Application Form from our website or alternatively come to the front office of Hawker Park Primary School to collect.

Please make sure that you have applied to enrol your child as soon as you can. Submitting your application promptly will allow us to commence planning of classes for the coming year.

  • Kindergarten – must turn 4 by June 30, 2023
  • Pre-primary – must turn 5 by June 30, 2023

Children currently enrolled in Kindergarten at Hawker Park Primary School need to re-enrol if wishing to continue in Pre-primary at the school in 2023. Application forms for these students will be sent home in due course.

Children currently enrolled at Hawker Park Primary School who have a sibling of Kindy age for 2023 must still apply as this is not automatic. For Kindergarten we have a limit of 20 students per group therefore enrolments are accepted as they are received.

If you have a neighbour or friend whose child will be turning 4 before 30 June 2023, please remind them to complete an application form before the end of term 2.

Submit your Application Form for enrolment at the school as soon as possible and provide copies of:

  • your child’s birth certificate (the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages certificate)
  • your child’s Immunisation History Statement (This can be obtained through your My Gov account)
  • proof of your current address (e.g. recent accounts for electricity, water and telephone, bank details)


On the last Friday of School, Term one the Easter Raffle was draw. Congratulations to all of those lucky children that received a prize and a massive thank you from the year 6’s for the continual support of their school fundraisers.

Some of our lucky winners


Welcome back parents and careers, staff, and students. I trust you all had a restful break and ready for all Term 2 has in store for us. As this will be my last Hawker headlines before I go on Maternity leave, I’d like to encourage you with a quote by Brene Brown, “One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and it will be someone else’s survival guide.”

As I reflect on the last 2 years, I have realised that life is short and to savour moments, whether it be with family, friends, doing the weekly grocery shop, taking a walk; whatever it is that we fill our day with to savour those moments.  So, as I move into another season of life as a mum of a toddler and soon to be newborn, I’m reminded to breathe, and so I remind you to breathe, I wish you strength, peace, and comfort for the rest of this year.

A reminder that help and support is not far away, there are a number of helplines available: below are just a few.

24/7 Mental Health Services


As part of its community reach out program, the Warwick Greenwood Junior Football Club (WGJFC) kindly donated $1,000 worth of new football equipment to Hawker Park Primary School.

Last week the year 6’s were lucky enough to receive the delivery and explore the equipment that Mrs Barrett ordered with the donated funds. A massive thank you to the Warwick Greenwood Football Club your generosity is appreciated.

Football Donations


This year some year 3 students decided to start a HPPS Netball team, they call themselves the Hawker Park Hawks. Friday night was their very first game. We thought we would share some photos and wish them luck for the season.

HPPS Yr. 3 Netball Team


Welcome back everyone!

Firstly, thank you to everyone who supported the Mother’s Day stall – it is a massive effort from Karen Hadfield and Cassie O’Sullivan so thank to them for their efforts and to all their helpers for making our lives easier!

There have been a few other items to keep the P&C busy:

  • The canteen opens this week so don’t forget to order through Quickcliq and if you are able to volunteer, please sign up via the sign-up sheet.
  • The P&C shed purchase has progressed and has now been passed on to the builder to progress so fingers cross for a speedy planning and permit process so we can get this underway soon.
  • There are additional new library books that have been purchased already by Mrs Keevil, as well as more to come throughout Term 2 & 3.
  • Canteen refurbishment and new appliances installed.
  • A lot of effort going into the BFG throughout last term and a bumper harvest!
  • Our next meeting is on Tuesday 10th of May at 2pm (yes we are trialling a daytime meeting!) so feel free to join us at the Hawker Hub if you can make it. If there are any items you would like raised, please provide the details to Renee Evans to place on the agenda.


Also, we really don’t want to lose out on the great fundraising opportunity to provide ‘democracy sausages’ at the Hawker Park polling station but at the moment we do not have anyone to co-ordinate the event. This is not a massive undertaking as there are a huge number of people able to volunteer on to the day already, as well as the relationships with the suppliers already being in place and work instructions available. It is more just having someone that has the capacity to co-ordinate all the helpers and the ingredients on the day. Imagine planning a dinner party for a large group…where other people are doing the cooking and serving! If you think you have a few spare hours to help with this, we would love to hear from you before passing this opportunity over to another club. Thanks and looking forward to a great Term Two!


Mother’s Day Special!! Support Hawker Park Primary School.

Buy your membership & receive a bonus $20 or $40 eGift Card Click here to purchase your membership

Which membership is right for you?


Please see our noticeboard outside administration for the following events:

  • Junior Cricket Program – Hamersley Recreation Centre
  • Go Girls – In the Pink – Badminton
  • MBA Sports Carnival
  • School Enrolments 2023
  • Kids Volley Ball
  • P&C Meeting Date – 10 May 2022 – 2pm



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