

Yesterday Level 2 public health measures were announced. Please see the attached departmental letter addressing the requirement for children Years 3 and above to wear masks in ALL indoor public settings. This is not just a school requirement.

It is an expectation that all children from year 3 and above will arrive at school with a mask. The school has a supply of child size masks for those who may forget. This is a Health Department requirement, therefore children who refuse to wear a mask will be sent home unless a medical exemption has been granted and sighted by the school.

I understand this will cause some anxiety and concerns in our community, please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss this. Hopefully these restrictions will only be in place for a short while.

Thanking you for your continued support and cooperation in this new requirement

Andrew Etheridge

Support Resources


Mask Wearing Year 3-6 Letter




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